Climate change and WDW

We are driving to Florida in November instead of flying. Unfortunately in a vehicle that only takes gasoline. We are carpooling with a friend. So what does that say about me? :slightly_smiling_face:

That you have the patience of a saint.


We always debate whether Thanos got it right and was not really the villain :laughing:

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My DH is a fan of Thanos and has always sympathized with what he did. He thinks the Marvel heroes are the ones that ended up screwing things up.

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That you’re avoiding airplane drama :wink: :rofl::rofl:

More like airline prices. :laughing:

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Well there is that. When all the kids were still living at home the only way we got to Disney was to drive. It saved us $$$$.


DS15 had to write a paper about a hero for English class. His paper was about Thanos. He got a B.


Covid is actually well-intended and trying to save our planet, and we’re monsters for trying to stop it? :exploding_head:


We’ve discussed that briefly also. MCU folks apparently buy into the idea, as the mess caused by the Avengers’ fix is the basis for Falcon and Winter Soldier.

Our main wonder is five years? You’ve not found a way to move on in five years? Unless MCU is only showing us the sad stuff, as most news does . . .

Danger, danger. :joy::joy::joy:


That’s my husband’s semi-serious theory. Not that we shouldn’t try to stop it, but hey, if there’s too many deer, nature sends chronic wasting disease . . . :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

There is goes! Out of the park! Grand slam! (And the crowd goes wild)


This changing climate is a terrible terrible thing. I just don’t know how mankind is going to survive this.

BTW, the mini ice age and midevil warm period were hoaxes. They never really happened.

Honestly I think it’s ridiculous to say that having one less child saves the environment. If you think about a home, it’s going to use about the same amount of energy no matter how many people are living in it. I mean, yes, you will use a bit more electricity and water, but not enough to say that if you only have 1 child instead of 2 that you’ll save 25% of those things.

I also think that larger families tend to spend less on things like clothing and fuel and travel, simply because they can’t afford it, either monetarily or time-wise. A family with 3-4 kids just can’t shuttle their kids around to activities like a family with 2 can. We have three girls. We probably spend less on clothes and shoes and toys/books than a family with one boy and one girl, simply because the re-use factor is high, and we do almost no activities that all three kids can’t do together.

When it comes to 3rd world countries, people have so many children often because they are uneducated on birth control. Mortality is high, yes, but they also don’t know how to prevent pregnancy. I think @Jeff_AZ meant that want/need converge because there is no planning for family size. The number they have is what they “want” by virtue of there being no real choice.


b/c we saw that staying home could begin to heal the planet.

How does staying home and having one less child have anything to do with each other? I’m confused as to your point.

having less children wouldn’t make a difference. During the first lockdown when the whole world stayed home the planet began to heal. We didn’t eliminate children to accomplish that we just needed to stop driving. Stop doing all the stuff that causes emissions.


My guess is that it is not about the children, it is the impact when they grow up: more houses, more cars….


Speaking of overpopulation. I wonder which variant will be the Prince Charles variant? It will have to be a particularly deadly one.