I don’t actually remember much about it. I might need to go through my pictures. My DH and I both have dietary restrictions and they made him a very flavorful dish that included mushrooms they don’t normally have. It was a departure from what other places prepared for him that trip. He was getting pretty sick of the same dish from each restaurant so this stood out for us.
I have read that they have turkey, ham and steak at the carving station as well as traditional Christmas items and the usual options at the buffet. They say there is enough variety for everyone.
The main difficulty with this restaurant is that it’s in a park.
Just in case I’d choose a resort/non park restaurant.
Do you want particular food for that meal?
Years ago we were looking for a character buffet for a certain day’s supper and all the Disney buffets had no availability. We wound up at either Swan or Dolphin at their character buffet supper. We really enjoyed the uncrowded restaurant, the buffet selections and the character interaction.
We’ve intended to go back to either of those resorts again for a meal but haven’t. There are so many choices all over the World
We did Hoop De Doo for Christmas Dinner on our last trip and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We had been before and I suggested it to my family who liked the idea rather than just dinner.
Yes they do! As soon as the week after Thanksgiving in our experience. We have been the Saturday immediately after Thanksgiving and the Thursday after and both had Christmas song elements in the shows.
this is on my list to do this this trip actually maybe christmas eve and then walk around and look a teveryones christmas displays. I loved hoop dee doo about 8 years ago but Corey then aged 5 found it too noisy and pretty much hated it
i think we want a traditional christmas dinner so Turkey and carvery style is as close as we will get! Why you dont have pigs in blankets and yorkshire pudding I have no idea!