Checklist & Tips for joining a Virtual Queue

Yep “just a moment” means you would have been successful.


I have not followed this entire thread, but I seem to recall that kids under 2 can cause a glitch when booking a BG? Is that still an issue? And if so do I need to delete my 2yo off MDE?


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No, you shouldn’t have to do anything.

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Congrats on getting a BG…

…and on beating a teenager! That’s quite an accomplishment!


When practicing, I still needed to make an extra click to select myself (or party). Remember, during your real attempt your party will already be selected. So if you are successful at practice, consider yourself in very good shape to get a BG.

Boarding Groups are still gone by 7:00:08, possibly earlier.


Tues is the real day for us (our only HS day). Been practicing on and off for a couple of weeks with success. This morning I tried over wifi from our rental, and the app seemed to not connect to the join system at 7. I kept getting a screen that said “there are no virtual queues available to join at this time.” After a couple minutes, I turned off Wifi and over data got the normal “7 am boarding group distribution is now full” screen. Really spooked me. Not sure what happened.


Mobile data has proven to be the best consistently. Use multiple devices and you will have have a great chance of getting a BG. Good luck, enjoy, and let us know how your day went!

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I’ve been testing from home all week on WiFi and have been successful each time. It seems Len’s team has tested from resorts with WiFi and data also been successful. However the WiFi had better rates of getting a BG. I can see myself walking around the Pop in the early morning hours looking for the elusive strong signal. :nerd_face:


Just keep in mind: Wifi at home and Disney wifi can be really really different experiences.


Exactly my thoughts!

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1pm drop is STILL OPEN almost 3 hours later.



They’ve been reporting low crowds. @DumboRunner’s been reporting walk ons all morning


Of course it is.

Today would’ve been our first park day of our canceled trip, and we had HS reserved.

Yay for people who are there!
Boo for Delta and stupid Covid :rage:


Lot’s of ppl have been cancelling trips. SW Airlines is reporting lots of cancellations on flights too. Ppl don’t want to go/come to Plague Ville aka Florida


I know, I know. I just said to DH “we would’ve been able to get everything done on our first HS day” and he replied “yup, we would’ve gotten everything, including Covid.” I know we did the right thing.


That is crazy!


At first I thought it was a glitch and that the later groups would never get called. But the last group called was 180.

Will be interesting to see what happens today.


Standby was open in the evening, nuts!

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Did make me jealous as we were there the week prior and it was fairly crowded. We got to ride RotR 3 times during the week though so no regrets there…


Can anyone share their experience using the hacker bookmarklet app developed by that other Liner?

I tested it this morning and got a “you don’t a park reservation” or something so I suppose I was successful. The borkmarklet is super smooth and super easy.

However, it still blows my mind that something I do on my browser also translate to MDE.

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