CCV Cabin Views

Happy Thanksgiving!

I have a Cabin booked for the end of January and am just trying to figure out my room request (I’m stuck at home with a sick kid today, so found some unexpected time!). I think it would be really awesome to see the fireworks from the porch, but would prefer not to see the Contemporary from the porch. Anyone know which rooms, if any, fit the bill?



Following! I have a cabin booked for end of February

Eta: haha, I do not have a CCV cabin. Just the regular one. I was over here wracking my brain for what CCV could mean :joy:


We have a Copper Creek Cabin booked for next month. I wanted to see the monorail so I looked on the Touring Plans room view and saw one. Others may want closer to the DVC parking and more of an expansive lake view.


Tagging @DumboRunner because she’s stayed in the cabins a few times.


both sides have exclusive parking. we’ve been on both sides. seeing the monorail was sweet, but I preferred the lake view. maybe that was because the Villians @Dreamer @katielouhou @Enchantedbythemouse @Wahoohokie visited!


Your cabin was incredible. I can’t imagine there is a bad view from any of them.


What Cabin did y’all end up getting do you remember? And how was the view? We’re staying two nights in one next month and I kind of am on the same boat you were - would love to see the fireworks but prefer not to see CR.

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We were in 8005. We absolutely loved it!! So much so, that my son has requested that when we go back in December for his birthday, he’d like to have his cake while sitting in the hot tub watching fireworks :joy:

ETA - the one disappointing thing about the view was the tree blocking the castle. We could see Space Mountain though.


Wow!! That’s wonderful!

Hmmm…maybe I’ll request one where I can see CR now…did it clash with the whole chill vibe of the cabins and WL at all?

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I don’t really think so. You could easily just look right and see only lake.

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Perfect. Thanks for the intel. I really can’t wait to stay here!

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