CBR distance from villages to OPR

Trying to decide on a room request for CBR. It appears that in the Touring Plans room request choice the lobby must be CH. I feel the distance to OPR is more important in making a choice of rooms, We will only need to go to the CH twice- for check in and check out. But will be going to OPR possibly multiple times a day-- food, pool. etc. Any chance that the info might be changed in the room request? Anyone know where to find the distance from villages to OPR? All the sites I’ve checked just say “A long walk”. Much too vague as a long walk for one might not be a long walk for another. Thanks

You most likely won’t need to go to CH at all, besides being dropped off at the beginning of your trip and catching the DME shuttle back at the end - you can check in and get your room assignment and check out without actually going into the CH building.

We lucked out and ended up in building 25 in Martinique, with just a short walk to OPR. But as for the other islands? Believe them when they say it’s a long walk, especially with the bridge closed for repairs. CBR is a VERY LARGE resort. However, there is an internal shuttle bus that can take you to OPR from CH and the other islands.

I’ve used this site to measure disney distances : http://www.mappedometer.com/ - it lets you mark two spots on the map, and get the walking distance. I think it would work for what you need - I just played around with it and the most remote non-pirate rooms look to be around 1/3 of a mile from the pool area.

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Thanks. I’ll give it a try.