Caring for Giants - Availability from cancelations?

Hi everyone! I have an upcoming trip at the end of January with my kiddos. My DD loves elephants. I didn’t think about it at the 60 days, but started thinking in the last day or so of taking her on the Caring for Giants tour. Has anyone had any good experience with picking up last minute cancelation spots? Can always plan ahead for next time but thought I’d ask!

I’ve seen availability for 1-2 come up, so it’s worth checking. Good luck!

Thank you!

I would bet you’ll find some availability come up between now and then. Just stalk like mad.

And it’s a good idea to ask at the check-in desk - which is to the left of the queue for KS - first thing on your AK day as they may have some availability that isn’t visible otherwise (or late cancels).


That’s what I was thinking. Fingers crossed my checking every day pays off, and if not, we’ll just ask when we get there!


You can also use mouse dining for alerts.

Oh i didn’t know they did that too. Just set up alerts. Much easier!

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