Buying AP

It looks like past 5 day ticket, Uni forces you into AP. I am just concerned about any blackout dates. I know the stated dates (not a problem); but the website also says blackout on concert dates.

Do I need to worry about this for any dates in the next month? I cannot find anything online. But I want to make sure.

Are you looking at a seasonable or power pass?

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If you download the universal app and tap park hours, there is a section further down on blackout dates. From there you can plug in the type of pass and what park you want to go to and see any upcoming black out dates. The website will list blackout dates under the annual pass section as well. Just scroll down a bit on this link


Ugh. Don’t know why my post deleted. We’d get the cheapest, the season pass.

I looked on app, per the helpful directions. No blackouts dates showed. So I guess we’re ok? :person_shrugging:

If there are no blackouts for the seasonal pass on the app, you should be good! I also have a seasonal pass and I believe volcano bay is the only thing impacted in the near future. Have a good trip!