Bus, nope, BUST system

Something like that happened to use on TT once. We were just before you get off, but we were stopped for a prolonged period. But the voice over for those getting off kept playing over and over…“Exit to the left, left, left.”. To this day, we day this to one another (even though TT no longer says this) when we are leaving anything or anywhere!

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I call BS. Once you reach 10 minutes, the human body involuntary tries to drown itself. And with water RIGHT THERE, There’s no way you made it 20 minutes.



I hope they turned off the sound. Can’t imagine 20 min of :notes:“It’s a small world after all… it’s a small, small world la la la” , :notes: forever stuck in your head.

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I got stuck on HM and it was actually pretty fun to see the same scary thing pop up over and over until it was totally not scary. On the OP’s issues, I hope your trip gets more fun. Hugs.