Brexit and WDW

I wasn’t aware of the second definition. :flushed:

But I was just making it up. Figured it sounded realistic enough. :slight_smile:

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I’m really curious now, but I’m guessing this isn’t one I should be googling at work… :crazy_face:


Do tell when you do!

I never had you down as the innocent type!

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Do you know what it means? Is there an equivalent English word? :blush: ps. Innocent until proven guilty.


The English equivalent is basically the same.

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Google has nothing! Hmmm. I will ask DS20 next time I speak to him.

You can look it up in the urbandictionary. You have to scroll down several definitions. Eventually you’ll find it.


This is completely clear to us.

Adorably so. :heart_decoration:

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No, you shouldn’t. And you probably don’t really want to know the alternate meanings (or related terms such as rim job or rimming)…

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I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that your son doesn’t want to have that conversation with you.


:rofl: :rofl:: :rofl:

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OMG… Have a video camera running to catch his reaction… :slight_smile: I can just hear him saying “Where did you hear this?” - and you telling him that it was on a Disney discussion forum…


OMG, y’all.

Y’all are KILLING ME.

It’s hilarious and awesome.

That’s all I have to say.
