Blue Milk, Green Milk, and Butterbeer

I watched a vaguely interesting take on the reasons for the success and failures of Butterbeer versus Blue Milk and Green Milk. It was more than just about taste, although that was part of it. But this did get me wondering about how people feel about it NOW, after several years. (I believe there was a poll about this before in a different form.)

So, I’m doing three polls about each of the three, shall we call them speciality drinks unique to the world they belong to.

Let’s start with UOR, and Butterbeer. For the sake of this poll, I don’t really care which Butterbeer beverage (let’s leave off the other forms such a fudge, etc) you are judging on, since that would overly complicate the poll. Same with Blue Milk/Green Milk. I don’t care if you are talking about the non-alcoholic or the kind with alcohol. Whichever you prefer. (You can elaborate in the comments if you want!)

Which of these options BEST describes your feelings on Butterbeer?
  • I’ve never tried Butterbeer, and have no desire to.
  • I’ve never tried Butterbeer, but likely will at some point.
  • I’ve had it once, and thought it was delicious.
  • I’ve had it more than once, and still thought it was delicious.
  • I’ve had it once, and wasn’t a fan.
  • I’ve had it more than once, and wasn’t a fan.
  • A trip to UOR isn’t complete without having Butterbeer at LEAST once!
0 voters

Onto SWGE…

Which of these options BEST describes your feelings on Blue Milk?
  • I’ve never tried Blue Milk, and have no desire to.
  • I’ve never tried Blue Milk, but likely will at some point.
  • I’ve had it once, and thought it was delicious.
  • I’ve had it more than once, and still thought it was delicious.
  • I’ve had it once, and wasn’t a fan.
  • I’ve had it more than once, and wasn’t a fan.
  • A trip to SWGE isn’t complete without having Blue Milk at LEAST once!
0 voters
Which of these options BEST describes your feelings on Green Milk?
  • I’ve never tried Green Milk, and have no desire to.
  • I’ve never tried Green Milk, but likely will at some point.
  • I’ve had it once, and thought it was delicious.
  • I’ve had it more than once, and still thought it was delicious.
  • I’ve had it once, and wasn’t a fan.
  • I’ve had it more than once, and wasn’t a fan.
  • A trip to SWGE isn’t complete without having Green Milk at LEAST once!
0 voters

For the purposes of this poll, let’s defined “delicious” as you liked it, versus “wasn’t a fan” as you didn’t like it. (I used the word delicious, but don’t want to limit this poll to only suggest you had to LOVE it versus just like it, etc.)


Delicious might be a step too far, but I did like the green milk.

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First time I had Blue Milk (with alcohol), I thought it was pretty good. Not great, but found it refreshing. Certainly didn’t hold a candle to Butterbeer, but I enjoyed it.

The second time I tried it, it was watery (not fully slushy as it been the first time) and I found it less than appetizing. Not awful, but enough to make me decide I wouldn’t pay for it again.

Green Milk, when I’ve heard descriptions of it, sounds like I’d hate it so I have no desire to try it.

I will always find an excuse to get Butterbeer, though! :slight_smile:

You didn’t give an “other” option. @Jeff_AZ is going to very disappointed.

When I first tried both milks the first sip of each was pretty good. Then they both started tasting like chalk. Mixing them together was good for a couple more sips. Even adding alcohol doesn’t help.


Woops. Here. This is for Jeff:

  • Other
0 voters


I like Blue Milk a lot and consider it a “must do” when I visit SWGE. However, it must be drunk when still chilled, because I agree it is no bueno if it’s melted. Short shelf life.

Green Milk was fine but had a floral taste to it that I didn’t like–kinda like perfume.


Which is why I imagine my reaction going something like this:

Warner Bros. Entertainment — Don't spray the Passion Fruit spray in your mouth....


I had to change all of my votes because I wasn’t sure which one I liked. I thought it was green because it is listed as “citrus” but now you have me second guessing!

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I always have to get a butterbeer. Sometimes that’s part of the reason I fit Uni into my plans lol my order of fav types is cold, hot and then frozen.

Blue milk I’ve only had with alcohol which was ok. I don’t even think about it when I’m in SWGE anymore lol it’s a one and done for me.


Butterbeer: Too Sweet
Blue Milk: Meh, texture is an issue for me here
Green Milk: it’s description of floral and melon…I have no desire to drink perfume!

I saw that video and thought their analysis was interesting.

I wanted to vote twice for Butter beer - that I had it more than once and still liked it AND it wouldn’t be a trip to UOR without it.

A local coffee place did Butter beer on a tasting flight of coffees and it was really good.


Butterbeer is absolute perfection and I crave it every day.

Blue and green milk are a bit odd but still nice - particularly the blue. I’d get the blue again more often than the green, but maybe not every trip. The green is definitely perfumey at first.


I voted, but wanted to say: I love Hot Butterbeer and get it every trip. I also will get Blue Milk every trip. I really do like it. The green, I can take or leave it. I finished DDs cup because she hated it and I didn’t want to trash it, but I wouldn’t order on it’s own. My DH did not like either of the milks when he tried them but maybe he would like the alcoholic version of the blue.

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This is a source of debate in our family. Much of my family prefers hot. But I find the hot is way way too sweet. Frozen is much much better.

It is an area of disagreement that might just tear our family apart… :nerd_face:


I hope you can all get through this difficult time together :people_hugging: :joy:

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In epic proportions like the Mickey bar/sandwich debate, I’m sure.


I loved hot and frozen. The problem with frozen when we were there was it was so hot out that the frozen just melted so quickly and it was weird. Not so weird I didn’t like it. But it probably changed the way it was supposed to be enjoyed.
Cold was just too sweet for me.

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