BG1 on Android

Hi everyone! 35 days 'til our first trip since 2014. Before I go down the BG1 rabbit hole of information, can someone please give me a very broad view of why using BG1 over MDE is advantageous? I just want to get an idea if this is something that I will actually use before putting in the time to learn a new system. I would be downloading this on an Android and not Iphone, if that makes any difference. Thank you!

I have Android. BG1 lets you book things so much quicker than if you did it with MDE. It’s simpler, not so cumbersome. And it’s free. This 65+ gal managed to get it loaded and used successfully!

I used it in Dec to get VQs for TRON and GOTG. I was not using any Genie+ or $ILL on our trip. I was able to get a very early BG for TRON (BG2). I got the one for GOTG at the 1:00 drop, with an actual return time of about 3:15.


I have an android too. I used BG1, with A LOT of help from Liners, at MNSSHP to get BG7. When I went back to MVMCP, a couple months later, I didn’t use BG1. Even though I using MDE right at the kickoff for BGs I was in the VERY LAST BG of the night. I booked my BG within 45 seconds of the start time… I didn’t get to ride it as I would’ve had to cross the park at the end of the night & miss a show too. So frustrating!

When I went to Jollywood Nights, a couple days later, I used BG1 again. I was, literally, in BG1!

I’m not tech savvy. For me, BG1 was a bit hard to use/learn and I had to get someone to “hold my hand” over & over as I learned how to make it work.

However, I’m grateful I did learn it! Such a lifesaver. It’s like having the winning numbers to a Powerball lottery every time!


I haven’t actually used it yet for real, but I did some test runs ahead of time. I found the installation process to be cumbersome. As most people seem to report, it makes it sound like it is a no-brainer. Well, I guess I don’t got no brain, because I found it confusing.

Now that I have it installed, I still find actually getting logging in ahead of time tricky, and I have to re-remind myself how to do it. Not intuitive.

That’s the bad news.

But the good news is that ONCE you have it all figured out, it should be a breeze to then actually use it to book your BGs.

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I agree, it wasn’t the easiest. I know @joelbruick has done things to make it easier, and I was doing those updated instructions (use Firefox etc). Somehow, I managed to do it right. I had no one to help me.

To actually use it for getting BGs was easy. I just tried it (it’s been almost two months) and it was still a simple thing to do - for me.


Help a n00b out: what do BG1 and MDE stand for?

BG1 means Boarding Group 1. That can be either the actual boarding group number you got, or the name of @joelbruick 's app that lets you book boarding groups and Genie+ Lightning Lanes.

MDE is My Disney Experience, which is Disney’s app.

Also, welcome to the forums! Here’s a site with most abbreviations:. Common Disney Abbreviations and Acronyms - AllEars.Net

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Thanks! I didn’t se BG1 on the acronyms page, so this is helpful

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Go to the La Cava (private) category here in the forum. Find the Advanced Genie thread pinned to the top. See “BG1 101”, scroll down to “Why is BG1 so much better than MDE”. There’s also a brief history of BG1.

I used BG1 G+ yesterday on my Galaxy in AK. So easy!


I did and have it downloaded now :slight_smile: I almost feel like its too easy lol Thanks!!!

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The biggest thing for me is the additional drop times. I have scored Frozen at 12:47pm when it was long sold out making me husband say “This is why you only come to Disney with people like Jenny (that’s me!)” LOL

But in addition it tells you what your highest priority rides to get should be. And it’s much faster at booking them. So if you do it right at the 7am drop you’ll get the earlier times for hard to get rides.

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Much obliged!

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This makes a difference because MDE is soooo glitchy on Android, making BG1 more valuable.

I had a trip when BG1 wasn’t working. I was trying to get a better time for an LL so we could head out of the park earlier… Refreshing the times to try to move it up crashed my MDE. I couldn’t accress the “My Day” function so I couldn’t see my plans or modody my LL. They said it was common with Androids.

Well worth the time.

Many of us struggled with the initial installation. I felt like a toddler. Its one of things that once you get it, it really clicks, but until then, the struggle is real.

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BG1 is working again for LL bookings??? Last I read it was only working for virtual queues. You will have made my day if we can use it again for LLs! We used it on Nov 2022 trip and it was amazing. 16 days to go until our mother-daughter trip.

Yep! Working for LL’s since Halloween.

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Sorry to bump an old thread. We head to the parks starting Friday. Inhave BG1 installed in firefox no problems there.
Just to be clear though. I need to buy genie+ from within the MDE app, correct? Then open up BG1 in my browser?

Correct all money transactions go through the official Disney app, so purchase of genie + and purchase of iLLs, only money item in BG1 is tips for the amazing Joel :tada::tada:

The firefox feature is so nice!

I haven’t been to WDW in about 15 months but we used BG1 heavily in Nov of 22. Now I’m heading back next week and just downloaded Firefox and it’s even BETTER! I pulled the directions up on the computer and installed everything on the phone in like 2 minutes.