Best bus option between Epcot and AK

If I’m going to hop from Animal Kingdom to Epcot and then back, would I be best served going to IG via Boardwalk or main entrance at Epcot? I don’t think I’d be interested in Uber as I’m trying to be cheap.

I think leaving AK will be based on whichever bus is first right? Going back is the tougher choice.


Leaving AK take whichever is first- YC, BW ir BC. To get back to AK I would walk to YC. I think their buses are best and it’s a quick walk through the lobby. I don’t care for BW buses but they may be just as good.


IIRC YC and BC most often share a bus and it stops at YC first. So if you walk to BC, which is a little closer, you will get the bus that just stopped at YC.

Sometimes I believe, but I don’t remember how often, BW is also on the same shared bus loop. If it is shared, I believe it is the last stop before heading out to the other park. I think this is just for slow times but maybe someone else has better info.

I would prefer IG to main entrance unless you are close to the front of the park when it’s time to go.

Going from AK to EP it will be easier to see if one of the buses is already there but in my experience resort buses are more reliable than the park to park buses. But that might just be me projecting based on a few anecdotal experiences.


Seems to me like it would mainly be luck of which bus arrives first, so I would base the decision on where you want to be/where you are in Epcot at that time. Last Christmas we hopped the other direction (Epcot-AK-Epcot) around 1.40pm and around 6.40pm from the Epcot main entrance and waited less than 5 min each time for a park to park bus, it was very smooth.


I think this is only for slow times. Ive only used the YC buses a total of 6 times though. In this case, I would think it would be fine to go to BC even if it is the second stop. I’m assuming this hop will happen early afternoon. I can’t imagine a bus to AK would be full at that time.


Didn’t day-long park-to-park busses come back today along with all-day hopping?


In theory. But if I walk out of AK and the EP bus is just rolling out and a BC bus is rolling in, I’ll take the BC bus.


Also, I always love entering through IG.


That’s definitely a big plus

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