Avoid MK on Monday? Epcot on Sunday?

I have stared at all the data, but still not sure. We have had to make some last minute changes to our trip in 11 days!, ugh, ugh. Main question… which day for Epcot/HS vs MK. Would you prefer Epcot on Sunday (5/19) or Monday (5/20) or not care? Is MK really noticeably less busy Sunday over Monday? Monday is EEH for Epcot, but we may not make it… as we will be rd-ing. We will hop to HS in afternoon from Epcot. MK will be RD to HEA kind of day…

I know a good plan/strategy is most important, and we will have that thanks to all of you wonderful people! But, if you’d purposely avoid Epcot or MK on Sunday or Monday, Id love to know…

Thank you!

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MK tends to be the most crowded on Monday.