Hi all,
I have been overthinking autograph books too much, and I can’t seem to find what I want. I would like to find someplace to buy 4x6 papers with a simple disney border on it, but does not seem to exist. I have seen all sorts of recommendations involving printing your own, but have also heard that if the book gets wet, the printer ink can ruin the pages. This is my ultimate goal:
have characters sign a 4x6 paper - ideally this paper would have some sort of disney border on it, but be somewhat generic - i do not want a specific paper for every character, as this would be too involved and do not want DD5 thinking we need to seek ut every character possible. My problem is I cannot find anywhere that sells this sort of paper.
once home, the 4x6 paper would go into a 4x6 photo album, with the 4x6 photo of the picture taken (I do not have the time / effort to get involved with detailed scrapbooking; want something quick
My latest idea is to buy a spiral bound 4x6 index cards, have them sign the back and add a ‘sticker’ of the appropriate character post-disney.
Has anyone found paper or other ideas that would help?
Could you use postcards? They’re about the size of a photo aren’t they?
I tend to think a book is easier though. It’s quick to whip in and out of your bag and no risk of the inside pages getting bent.
You could use the book and take a photo of each page when you get home to add to the album. You could even add your own digital borders then if you wanted to get fancy.
@chilepeppr - thank you for the link - some of the cards have generic borders of mickeys and such and look good - I may do a combo and order ones I know we will see like a&e and our character meals etc and then have some generics too - will look into this more later today
@quattro - it never occurred to me to take photo of the book after - that is good idea too
I was trying to do the same thing as you and found it personally to be too much time and effort with no money saved at all. So I ended up buying these and they worked great. The photo spot is small (not a standard photo size) so I’ll have to be creative in printing photos, cutting and putting into the book but it was a great book to have for all 3 of my girls and we just kept them in a ziplock bag when we didn’t have them out to keep them from getting wet or messed up.