So what do you guys find to be the easiest and/or best autograph book to lug around the parks? We’ve always just used the official Disney blue ones but didn’t know if anyone else had better ideas etc. thanks!
that’s the one we’ve always used.
I have one that I made in photoshop and printed in shutterfly. Email me if interested.
I use a 4x6 index card. I will print up something for each charactee i expect to see. Then i will put it in a photo album with a picture
I just bought these on Etsy for an upcoming trip (next week!) - they are really cute and a lot lighter than the official Disney one. Etsy has a bunch of different options/sellers.
I’ve used 6"x8" scrapbook pages before, then on the page next to the autograph put in pictures. I’ve also used the Disney blue autograph books. This summer I’m venturing into fabrics, and had a 24x24 pillowcase printed up and there’s plenty of room for autographs. Then we have a souvenir that I can decorate with- win win!
I would look on etsy! I’m sure there are a lot of cute different ideas on there. I love etsy!
I made one out of a 4x4 spiral bound sketchbook. I found some fun Disney and Mickey scrapbook paper, cut it down to size, and glued it on the front and back covers. Then I got some letter stickers to use for spelling out “Disney World 2017” on the front. It was small enough I could slip it into my purse and the hardcover both protected it and gave the characters something hard to write on.
Wow good ideas guys! I am not a huge etsy fan but looking on there they had a lot of nice options so I guess that’s a possibility haha. Thanks for all the input!
I have heard that this was probably a good way to get autographs but maybe a little heavy.
I got a different disney autograph book - it is a cross between a photo album & autographs so I can put a picture next to the signitures - I got a Minnie one, but there were a coupe of other kinds - on the disney shop parks app
I have one that I created in photoshop and printed in shitterfly. I sell it for 3.00
I’m sorry but ‘shitterfly’ has me cracking up this morning! Thanks for the laugh
Oops!!! Silly autocorrect!!!
I bought light cardstock, and printed pictures of the characters I knew we would meet on to them. Then took the pages to UPS store and had it spiral binded. I left some blank sheets too for characters I didn’t expect to meet. Once we sign visit Disney and get them all signed, i’m going to cut them out and put into a scrapbook.
My back up idea was the character encyclopedia someone posted.
My plan is to bring DD3’s story books from home. We have a good idea of which characters we’ll be meeting on each day, so it’s only a couple books each day, easy enough to keep in a ziploc bag in her stroller. And that way she can see the autographs when she reads the stories back home. Might make some bookmarks from photos of the meet and greets too.
We did the Little Golden Book, Each princess had her own book to autograph. My DD was 5 at the time and just learning to read. It gave the princesses something to talk to her about and engage her in a conversation.
I didn’t realize how important the books were to her until my DD now 8 announced that when we go in February we have to get Aurora’s signature because she was sleeping when we were there last and hadn’t signed her book.
I carried blank card stock for signatures from non-princess characters. We keep those in a photo album with the photos of each character.
Remember to bring a couple of Sharpie’s.
Our kids really enjoyed this: