What does evacuation look like? Are there other exits guest are escorted out through? Anybody know?
I did witness a fight in Disneyland once. In Toontown, no less, in front of the most kids possible. 2 dudes went at it and then their wives did as well. So pathetic.
This was discussed, for a short while, last night in the Uncensored Thread, about post 8224. There was more discussion on chat. I’m not there, but things were mentioned such as some guests were sheltered in shops along MS, then exited out back doors into the bypass area.
My niece’s boyfriend works for Main St Ops (she works at BTMRR but was off yesterday). She was getting calls from friends asking if he was working (he was) and this was during the ‘there’s an active shooter’ conversations. She was pretty upset. He was working his way through the tunnels to go catch the bus to go home when it happened and rushed back to help. She was texting him furiously, but he was, of course, very busy. She opened up Twitter and saw him on someone’s video and that he was fine. He finally called back 30 minutes later.
According to him, the fight broke out at the monorail when someone shoved a little girl to get on.
In this case last night guests were prevented from leaving MK and were ushered into shops and the like.
Totally not okay
100% unnecessary
I’m quite positive my DH has experience of this
Really?!?! WTF!
Thank you both.
I’d never considered how a theme park could respond to an active shooter situation. Really hard to absorb X-thousands of people.
Wow. Just wow.
Love that.