Anyone else?

Anytime anyone on my social media networks goes to The World I get embarrassingly excited. One of my friends just updated her profile pic to one of her fam in front of SE and I’m all “are you there right now?!?” “Please post ALL. THE. PICTURES!!!” I must live vicariously through you.



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Somewhat to my surprise, I actually do. I’m the sort of person who is riven with envy when someone does something like go to WDW, yet I actually love reading trip reports, especially if there’s pictures. Perhaps in my head I just replace the person with me and imagine I’m the one who’s there.

I really enjoyed @Randall1028’s recent “live” trip report and when he said he was headed home I was actually really disappointed. Like you are when a show you’ve been binge-watching comes to an end and you have to wait till next year for the next season.


Yes, yes, yes! I love travelling through anyone vicariously, though, so it’s not just WDW trips.

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I do too, and sometimes I get a little overbearing. “Oh, don’t ride that next. The line will be shorter later. Definitely ride this other thing next, but be sure to use rider switch…oh and then definitely get this snack since it’s right there…You know what? Just let me plan the rest of your trip for you.”


Bahaha!!! Amazing. I usually only do this my head but it takes some self control not to spew Disney strategy all over them!


I so enjoyed his trip report!!! Was super disappointed on his last day. Like, WTH! Already?!?


Yep! I have I friend there now who is in radio silence. Which is pretty typical for them when traveling. But I really am worried/anxious about if they are having fun or not, plus I wanted to live through her photos. I’ll just have to wait ‘til she’s home.

I don’t do social media. But I’m happy that you’re happy. :grin:

Yes you do! You’re doing it now!

Well, I am being social, and using media :wink:

You and me both…

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