Any live boo bash trip reports happening tonight?

Waiting for a bus now that the Boo Bash is over. To put this as simple as possible it is not like a pre covid After Hours. Definately felt more crowded walking around.

That being said almost every ride was a walk on. Except PP which had a 30-40 minute wait, and 7Dwarfs looked to average 20-30. The candy lines were busiest in the beginning of the night but none existent after 10:30. There were many places to get the Mickey bars and drinks, so we never waited.

They posted the times of the Calvalcades so people lined the route 30 minutes before to watch but we found a spot as they were coming without a problem.

We got here in time to see HEA so can’t answer the question on the LL.


I know

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Are you on Twitter at all @Randall1028? I coincidentally stumbled on this account tracking wait times and it talks about Boo Bash.

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I sorta am. Wanna start using it more but …is it me or is that stuff just EXHAUSTING to use?


It used to be easier! I would say just be ruthless about who you follow.

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No, i mean even if it’s me posting stuff. In order to gain any sort of following (which is the goal so you’re not posting into a void), you gotta post your stuff, then you gotta go and clandestinely show up on other people’s feeds and engage with their followers, and then you gotta retweet tweets in order to keep relevant, and then you gotta tag people and yadda yadda

When people give influencers crap about not having “real jobs”, I never understand their ire…cause it’s flipping exhausting pretending to care about the minutia of everyone’s lives.


I find it’s easier to follow rather than being followed. The reason I likeTwitter is how quickly information flows. It’s always my first source for breaking news/information. Been on there five or six years and have 30 followers. :laughing: I don’t post much …


Oh! I don’t usually post. I only really tweet out to complain because for some weird reason companies seem to engage on Twitter!


Ah, well that’s why you’re not sitting there saying get off my lawn, but I am. :slight_smile:


One more follower for you!

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lol thanks…

…probably should post something then…


That is so true. They do not like their dirty laundry on Twitter.

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I work in corporate social media. It actually has more to do with the fact that Twitter is the only social media platform that actively allows public crawling of their site via their API. So we can find and action complaints on Twitter, whereas Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn…we only see it if you actively post it in the comments of one of our posts, or send it as a direct message. Because of that, most large customer-facing companies have set up teams that actively monitor Twitter for customer service issues as a way to relieve congestion on their phone or chat customer service issues, but those teams don’t monitor other social media platforms.


Makes sense. I have witnessed many companies change policy, apologize, etc because of Twitter pressure. Twitter users are brutal.
Twitter: Do your thing” is very effective.

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