We are visiting the first week of May, planning MK days on the 3rd, 7th and possibly 8th. When I first set up our touring plans for the 3rd and 7th, about a month ago, no matter which day or what time I put A&E, the waits were 2-3 hours. In making some adjustments this week to get our FP+ plans squared away, now I see times in the 45-60 minute range. If that is right, then it might be possible to stand by with our young children, but is there an explanation for the big change? Crowd forecasts remain the same as when I started working on the plans.
Its to do with data capturing. The closer to your visit the more up to date the data will be. Its not been open a year yet so historical data to work from isn’t there either… Your most accurate tp guesstimate will be 1-2 weeks before you go. Crowd levels won’t make much difference for A&E at rd I would check wait times posted at opening on this app to get an idea and try to get fpp for later in the day instead.
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