An honest discussion about when to complain…

Cause my overall file basically said “shows up a lot to…walk around.”


I was … not a close, personal friend.




But if it worked, you might add all of us to the category the next time something goes wrong


I know they have a special (computerized) file for … times you ask them to do something for you in response to a perceived/real inconvenience.


I can take this to the extreme to make the point…

If I paid a daily admission of $135 to DHS, and walked in, and Disney said, “sorry, but every attraction is offline right now, and will be for the next 10 hours, please enjoy our shops and restaurants in the meantime” it would feel absolutely unreasonable. I would expect their park to be in better operating shape, OR I would expect that they don’t take my $135.

Now, that is an unlikely extreme.

So the question is somewhere between 100% of the attractions offline, and 100% of the attractions online is the reasonable ground.

If 1 or 2headliners are offline, for a short period… its … life,

But for a park like DHS, where there are 9 attractions (depending on how you classify the Muppets) and a handful of shows (which usually don’t operate during early entry), having 3 of the attractions offline at park open is 33% of the park… that borders on the edge of reasonable to me…especially if that spills into regular park hours.

Regardless, it is what it is, and if you choose to mention it, then, by all means, there have been great suggestions on how to do so appropriately without lashing out at people who really are NOT responsible for the problems.


But I feel like we are, for SURE, close, personal friends… amirite?


I always go into DHS expecting what I want to ride to be down :crazy_face: Just seems to be the luck of that park …if I choose to go left it’s down, if I instead choose to go right. It’s down. If I choose to go straight, it’s down.

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Totally. You’re gonna be there for the Vegan BBQ on Saturday, right? :slight_smile:


Like, Hagrid’s. It seems like it’s “never” not down at park opening. What’s the deal with that? I didn’t think of formally complaining about it but I definitely gave up on RD early entry at IOA.

Whoa!! Awesome!


Keeping track on a “Karen” meter?



I might have a sizable file :grimacing::smile::blush:


I… I don’t know what these words mean…


I’ve complained a couple of times (in ten trips). Both times they lavished me with gift cards and fast passes.

WDW is a premium product. You’re entitled to have very high expectations.

I complained once at DLP. I had paid for a river view room, but I was not allocated one. I only realised the morning after I checked in, when I opened the curtains and saw tarmac.

Guest services said I could move to a different room. I wasn’t keen on that option because I was already settled into the one I had. I asked if there was maybe something else they could do (a gift card, perhaps). Nope. Nothing.

I am fully confident that would have played out differently at WDW.

Oddly, I have never complained at UOR. I think I’m more tolerant there. They don’t charge the crazy rates WDW does.


I think overall I plan to send an email about my whole experience this week. We had some great things happen, all cast member interactions were positive, and then give some cons of the trip
(Which were few- g+ prices, rides down).

I don’t want to discount the things they are doing right either. And I don’t want to end up on the “Karen” list


Ugh. Those French.


I guess I was lucky then, when I got to ride it (Hagrids) during early entry.

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If they are going for once in a lifetime visitors, they should be as close to perfect as they can get. Headliners should not be frequently down.

As someone who doesn’t go to the parks often, having headliners and favorites down all the time and/or down at opening would really mess up a trip for us. I would not go to GS if the lines were long, but I would stop by if they were short or send an email regarding the issue.

My DH worked industrial maintenance for years. No one wants to spend money or time on maintenance. It’s always in the red and makes no money for businesses. I imagine Disney sees it the same way.


Ah the exception that confirms the rule :joy:

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