All MNSSHHP Sold Out?

I thought that my purchase for a ticket to MNSSHP went through, but it appears it didn’t. When I went in to try purchasing it again, the site is showing all days sold out. Is this right? What are the chances more tickets would become available or am I missing out? :sob:

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I haven’t checked in a few days but I know the pickings were growing slim. So it wouldn’t surprise me if they have, indeed, all sold out by now.

If there are no tickets available for your date, you can always check if they are doing any walk-up sales. Occasionally this does happen; how often it has happened this year I’m not sure but in years past it has been a thing.


As an AP holder, should I reach out to them to see if there are any additional party tickets or would that be a waste of time?

I show this is as available but that’s it:

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I think that would be futile.

They don’t, quite honestly, care about your AP :wink:


WDW Prep School was tracking sold out dates. Looks like every party next week sold out in early September.

There have been some reports on chat that if you go to guest service the day of the party, at time, there can be very limited tickets. They will sell tickets for last minute cancellations.

How do they even know they have last minute cancellations. They wouldn’t give me my money back last year when my brother died? So I still had tickets and could have shown up. Do they just note that call in the system and assume even though they technically did not cancel my tickets?

All tickets are now sold out for all dates, according to Disney’s web page for buying tickets. Nov 1 was the last date remaining yesterday, and it’s now gone.

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I would imagine that when they modify it to a credit for future use (which they often do, for use within a year typically, at some other hard ticketed event) that it would modify the numbers in the background.

But they wouldn’t let me do that at the time because there was nothing at the time to modify it too. But maybe for those going to a later date that same year…that makes sense.

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Yes, last year was a hard no. This year there have been reports that liners have been able to buy tickets, day of - usually at MK but once at DS guest service.

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I actually know one person with a group of 7 who got all tickets REFUNDED this year.

I suppose I have no way of knowing for certain that it’s true as I’ve never heard that before. But it’s what they told me.

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Thank you everyone for your responses. Will try a same day, but won’t get my hopes up for it. I’ve done the party several times in the past, so it’s not a deal breaker for me, especially at $170-$200 for the ticket.

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Yeah that was how I felt about it in August. Being that my time was mainly to settle my daughter into the College Program I was hesitant to make a lot of plans. I figured I’d wing it and was completely shocked when my date sold out before I arrived! It turned out for the best - as things have a way of doing :slight_smile: