Akershus to Skyliner... walking time?

Looking to hop to HS after Akershus brunch, likely around 1pm. Can anyone tell me about how long it will take to walk to Skyliner? Is it likely to be busy at that time? I know we can walk too, or boat… but have never used the skyliner, and seems like it would be a nice rest in heat of day. If anyone has a better suggestion I am open to that as well.

Thank you!!

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I’d guess it’s roughly a mile so at a leisurely pace and in traffic of World Showcase, I’d say 20-30 minutes to get to the Skyliner.


The Skyliner is almost never more than a nominal wait other than early morning and around park close. The only obstruction would be rain, which would close the Skyliner and boat and you’d have to walk or take the special bus route. I would plan about 15 minutes to walk from Akershus to the Skyliner.

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Wonderul, thank you both so much!

Excellent point about rain too… worst case, if raining, we will just walk! Roughly 20min between parks?

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Yes. So from Akershus to HS you’re looking at 40 mins.

Doesn’t sound particularly fun to me in the kind of rain Florida gets, but YMMV


Perfect, thank you.

Certainly not first choice, but would take walk in torrential rain over walk in blazing sun, so… we will roll with plan b if neccessary!


One day last summer we intended to take the Skyliner from EP to HS to see BatB. It started raining just as we were leaving EP so they closed the Skyliner. We were going to wait for the bus (which they pull into a backstage area behind the Skyliner) but HS was one of the last stops on the loop (after hitting all the Skyliner hotels) so we were afraid we would be late for BatB.

So we walked. And then the sun came out. :joy: And it was really hot. And the two kids that are out of the stroller begged me to carry them. So I took turns carrying them … while wearing a poncho half the time (baking like a seafood boil in the plastic poncho). So we got the worst of both worlds … rain = no Skyliner, sun = hot and steamy dad. :smirk: Just be aware of contingencies! :rofl:

(You can see me up the trail in this pic carrying DS11.)


I remember this story!!

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I remember this story, but I did NOT remember that one of your cargoes was an 11-year-old! :flushed:


For better or worse, he weighed about as much as an 8-9 year old. He’s actually quite portable! :rofl:


I don’t think the Skyliner closes for just a simple rain that has no lightning within 6 (10?) miles. It’s the lightning and very strong winds that close it.


Correct, I used “rain” as shorthand for weather related closure.

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I walk fast, especially solo. I once made it from Germany pavilion area-ish to the Skyliner in eight minutes. (Can you tell I am proud of it?) :laughing:
I also traveled from Epcot to HS via Skyliner in 30 minutes. (Stopped timer at drop off - not at tapstile.)