Adult only F&W Weekend Accommodations

When you travel with friends vs. family do you prefer to sleep in a multi-room DVC villa if possible or do you prefer completely separate rooms? DH and I are considering a weekend for F&W in the fall with 4 friends (2 couples plus DH and I). We have just enough points for 3 nights in a 3 bedroom at BWV but availability is looking scarce already and the 7 month window isn’t quite open for our dates.

All that to say, if you could manage to secure a 3 bedroom would you? Or just go for 3 separate rooms and meet up during the day?


We haven’t done this at Disney, but did just travel to Cabo with 2 other couples and had the same dilemma. We looked at large houses with pools versus 3 individual rooms at a resort. We ended up deciding 3 individual rooms at an adult all-inclusive was the way to go. It was the right choice, we are likely going to do it again this fall.

Also wouldn’t you want to use your points for just your stay (maybe a studio) saving the rest for family trips? You might be a lot more generous than me. :rofl:


I’ve never stayed DVC, so I don’t know the exact room layout. But how well do you really know the others? :scream:

Separate rooms are great so every couple has their own bathroom. They can each do their own morning routines, their middle-of-the-night roaming, keep their own hours, be as noisy or quiet without bothering the others, wander around in their own quarters less than fully dressed, etc.



I don’t know why but this is cracking me up. They are my husband’s two best friends and their wives whom I am pretty close to. We’ve vacationed with one of them before in a shared house and it was great.

Also, my husband is a super extrovert so typically the more time he can have with his people the better for him. lol.


We could for sure end up doing this. DH literally just floated this idea last night at dinner with them so we haven’t discussed financial who’d pay for what yet. But of course this morning here I am scheming and starting the planning. :sweat_smile:


The 3 bedroom floor plans have 3 bathrooms and 3 bedrooms so everyone would have that space to get ready for and from the day. And then a shared living room/kitchen/balcony space as well.


We did this in December with friends. Went to Mexico and had separate rooms in an all inclusive resort situation. Worked well but we for sure saw each other less.