@Lentesta. Thanks for the post. As soon as I see CDN I automatically think Canadian but pretty sure that’s not what you are referring to :). Look forward to ad results. Live and breath stats daily so love that you will share.
@atomic - I thought the same thing but probably cause I AM Canadian
I can’t help but giggle a little lol.
@Lentesta – I made it because I’m on the COMPUTER, that’s why.
Mobile… not so “made it”.
You guys will figure it out.
I can only imagine that the reason for the poor communication on this…
Len: “We have this cool new feature-ladden additional system we’ve been working on. It’s not ready yet, but let’s show it to them & get their feedback, they’ll love it.” (never imagining they LIKE the chat they have now… because he’s been getting suggestions on how to improve that simple little piece of elegant hand-written fast-loading brilliance for years from non-chat users… as TP serves two completely different breeds of users…)
[angry responses, not realizing it’s a PREVIEW, thinking their cozy little home they love is being torn down]
Len (slow to realize): “Huh? They don’t want it? Why not?”
I think it’s unfortunate you guys jumped the gun on this before it was ready. But I think you’ve got more than enough cred to recover nicely.
I’ll say this much:
That so many are upset speaks so well for that the cozy little simple-mean&lean-fast-loading chat you crafted in the first place.
Also, after reading some of your reasoning, given that the chat was/is supposed to be an “immediate” forum for Q&As, people helping each other, info given… and given that WDW changes so often that old chats’ info can be out of date even a few weeks/months later (ADR policies, FPP policies, BOG, A&E, you-name-it), I don’t see why you can’t:
- Give people 30-60 days notice (every x hour) to “save” their old chats if they want to keep them.
- Delete chats older than (x years/months).
Shouldn’t that help some of your processing issues?
I probably go alone on this opinion… but… IMO, people talking up their “chat numbers” is an exercise in narcissism. I think most can get over it. And if they must have it, I bet you could add a stat for each user just before you do the deletions of old chats to add in the missing chat numbers.
Just a thought.
It must be a bear dealing with 3rd party software & not being able to control what goes out on the ads.
The stuff you wrote has a consistent “feel” to it that this new “forum” just lacks. One could tell that it wasn’t TP-team-originated-designed from the get-go, no matter how much you spruce it up.
From chat @ejj :
“It’s a question of how much effort we should put into maintaining a limited system that less that 1% of our subscribers would use, versus using cheaper, scalable, imperfect, off-the-shelf software that most of the subscriber base could access. We’ve…
3 min ago by len (staff)
got 7 full-time employees. Spending time on keeping Lines chat running for the 1%, prevents that person from working on things for the other 99%. And even then, it would only scale for so long.
< 1 min ago by len (staff)”
Also for @ejj:
"Thank you, @999HappyHaunts. Just about 0.20% (1/5th of 1%) of our current subscribers account for about 40% of Lines Chat posts. That’s about 150 people, versus the other 117,000 that would probably have a different list of things for us to work on.
3 min ago by len (staff)
@len I get it, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. And I bet that those 150 people have brought a lot of business your way… And I think you are not appropriately accounting for lurkers, truly. I think there are a lot of people who read only.
1 min ago by 999HappyHaunts"
Me too
I am not happy about the ads on here. I can deal with the other changes, but ads will be a deal breaker.
I don’t “hate” the adds, but I’d prefer it if they weren’t there . $10 for a YEAR is about the best deal out there. I’d willingly pay $15 to keep the adds out. I know there are some sites where there are adds for the “public”, but one of the “benefits” of a paid subscription is that the ads are hidden. Just a thought…