5,000,000 touring plans and counting. Thank you!

We’ve just optimized our 5 millionth touring plan, for DHS. Thanks very much to each of you, for your support.



Wow! That’s amazing!! Congrats!

Wowza! That’s a lot. So when I spend all day optimizing, evaluating and re-optimizing a plan, does that count as 1 or many? Sometimes I feel like I’m giving your servers a work out all by myself.

Each optimization is different. On average, the typical user’s touring plan is optimized around 4 times. That includes while they’re in the parks.

HAHAHAHA! Four times? I need to back off my obsessive pursuit of perfection.


Aw man. Now you’re going to go look at how many times I’ve evaluated and optimized my plans and then you’re going to ask me to pay more for the service. I get GOOD value from Touring Plans.


I evaluate more than I optimize, but I always start with an optimization, do another once I have a “very good evaluate” I like (after copying it), then probably do one or two more, especially if plans change. I think I only re-optimized in-park once or twice.

I wonder what the count for “evaluates” are.
I imagine it’s got to be much more…


Just for DHS? Holy smokes!

Congrats Leonard and team!

wow! congrats!! and Thank YOU for this cool feature. I’d be lost without it. really.

Congrats and thanks, @Lentesta! I did quite a bit of in-park optimizing on this last trip and was really happy with my results. Hope I get to use it again soon!!

Just for Hollywood Studios? WOW! I worked on personalized touring plans this evening for our November trip. Have created preliminary plans for all 4 parks. This is the reason we joined TP.
Thanks Len and the gang.

Congrats. Optimize, optimize, optimize

HAHA DHS is a tricky park, apparently

Wow… congrats! and its pretty shameful that its one aspect I don’t ever use. I do recommend it to all people asking me about WDW trips tho… hehe

It’s kinda funny it was for DHS, given your love of that park