2025 Dining plan question

Hello everyone,
I know dining plan is a hodge podge of opinions. With that in mind, I’m not wanting to stir up controversy. I’m just confused.
We have planned 2 more trips! DH has signed up for Marathon Week. We are taking 3 other adults with us.
DH, myself, and 3 20-something’s.
We have 6 park days, 8 days in total (check-in to check-out). Staying at PoP, currently with a QS Plan. I have asked about the cost of upgrade to full Dining Plan.
Day 1 - Check-in. We have planned for resort/DS, as we will be on day 2 of driving.
Day 2-7 We plan for parks. We would like to do CRT, Nomad, Garden Grill, HBD for Fantasmic, possibly more.
Day 8 - Check-out day. We would like to do breakfast at Ohana before making the long trip home.
I fully realize that as the runner, DH, may not want to eat all the food. We are AP holders, keeping this thought, we could pay for our meals and keep the girls on a dining plan as they have their own resort package reservation.

When I asked about the plans my TA advised me it was $413.98 for QS and when I inquired later about upgrading to the Dining Plan it would be $270.54 additional, per person.
So….wait….$684.52 per person for the 8 days. Does that seem right? Part of my brain says that a deal to get the table service, considering the places we would like to try to get ADR’s for.

What are opinions of this pricing information I was given and would it be worth it considering the table service we are hoping to achieve?

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So the question that needs to be asked is how many nights will you be sleeping over at the WDW resort? Because it is a per-night cost, not a per-day cost.


We will be there 8 nights.
The price quoted just seems so low considering all the comments of cost justification I have seen.
Looking at my paragraph, I’m recognizing that I’m more worried that the quote wasn’t correct, and maybe it should be higher?

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It looks like you are paying for 7 nights worth of TS meals… The TS rate is $97 per person, so that adds up.

TS Dining Plan = $97 / night

QS Dining Plan = $58 / night

Hope that helps!


The price quoted is for 7 nights based on my math


I would recommend you review your reservation to ensure you actually have a room for 8 nights and not 7 because the quote on the QS plan also seems to be for 7 nights and not 8


I did this very thing last December! DD decided to come to Orlando a few days after my arrival. I added her days onto the trip. However, I hadn’t realized that I hadn’t changed my check-out day! I was scheduled to depart the day before her arrival. I had to scramble to add that day while at the parks!! :crazy_face: :rofl:


I only count 7 nights in your first post. Day 1 is check-in, Day 8 is check-out. You sleep at WDW on days 1-7.

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Ugh….my brain today is not mathing.:face_with_spiral_eyes:
Everyone is right, 7 nights.
Check-in Jan 7
Check out Jan 14

I was mistakenly counting a drive day in which we are staying in Alabama.


I would not switch to the TS DDP because of this:
CRT is two TS credits
Nomad: Do lounges take TS credits?
HBD is 2 credits

Using two credits is a poor choice financially. TS credits have an approximate $63 value. Those two credits meals would be less than $126 each meal.


Nomad does not take the dining plan currently and CRT or any 2 credit meal is a losing proposition.


Recently, I had a two TS meal at Narcoosees. With alcoholic beverage, entree and dessert, the one meal before tax was $120. I didn’t feel like I lost UNTIL I had to pay the tip on a $250+ tab. :grimacing:


Two table service credits is worth a little more than $120, so you about broke even. Even with the most expensive alcoholic beverage at CRT, Lunch and dinner are $100.


That’s where I was considering my no answer. I really didn’t think 2 credits was worth it when I can buy Disney gifts cards with the discount at places like Sam’s and Target.
Thank you for all the responses!!