2022 Dates in August

We currently have a trip booked for Aug 9-20 (3 days at Universal and 8 at Disney). Crowds at Disney are ~4-5 for the time we’re there. Should we consider bumping to the next week where crowds are a little lower (~1-4)? Or that would not be necessary with proper planning (which I will do). We’re also open to purchasing Genie+ and LL.

While having a plan is always beneficial…it is EASIER to plan with lower crowds. If I had a choice, I’d push it back to get the lower crowds. (Full disclosure…I don’t mind waiting in lines so much, but I HATE large crowds.)

Having said that, the difference in the Crowd Calendar might not be the actual difference. There are a lot of variables that might be making those predictions less than accurate. Still, I think the closer you are to September, the lower the crowds will be.

One caveat to this: hurricane season. 'nuf said.

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Yep I would push it back. Be aware of the heat of course. It’s oppressive. But we still had a fabulous time that week last year.