This October DH and I are celebrating 20 year of “happily ever after.” I want to go and celebrate at DLR because that is where we went on our honeymoon. Also we have been multiple times so looking for ideas to make it a bit more special and unique. We will most likely be going the last week September and want to add on the Halloween party. This will also be a family trip and possibly the last one while the boys are in high school. Let me know what your ideas are. Thank you
I haven’t done it, but maybe consider booking the Walk in Walt’s Footsteps Tour. I’ve heard it’s amazing, and you get to go to some of the behind the scenes areas, including his apartment on Main Street.
Maybe book a msal at blue bayou
DH wasn’t very impressed when we ate there a few years ago. I am thinking along the same lines, Carthay circle, which in all the times we have been to DLR, we have yet to eat there.
That is definitely on my bucket list. My only concern is that my boys will be bored (surly teens). We may have to ditch them for a few hours.
What hotel are you staying at? Is there one you’ve wanted to try but haven’t yet?
We have to stay onsite with DH. When I go with friends I get to explore other hotels. I would love to get a suite offsite, that Way DH and I can have our space and the boys can have theirs, but I doubt DH will go for that. And no way can we afford a suite onsite!
I was surprised at what my DS17 objected to and didn’t object to at WDW in October.