I created a 1 Day / 2 Park touring plan which looked quite good, starting at Universal, do a few things there, then take the Hogwarts Express over to IoA, do most attractions incl. the Wizarding World there and then return by Hogwarts Express and do Diagon Alley and some more Studios rides.
But then I noticed that I had the opening times wrong, 9AM - 8PM instead of 8AM - 7PM, so I changed that and added another attraction at the Studios, when I recalculated the plan, it now had me ride Hogwarts Express to IoA and back right away, do some stuff at Diagon Alley and THEN have me change parks…
So I deleted the plans and wanted to start over, but now I can’t find the template for the 1 Day / 2 Parks plan anymore.
Please help!