"Liners Running In Disney" - runDisney & Training Support Thread

I do know that all my years of Bikram yoga have been a big help in running. Yoga really helped me in “listening” to my body and the breathing techniques and other mental aspects of yoga have just been very helpful.


@SA - my wife is a certified Pilates and Yoga instructor, and when she looked at my Chi Running stuff she commented about how much of it is related to Pilates and Yoga techniques. You do a lot of body monitoring, and they even use the term “listening to your body”.

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Chi running sounds pretty interesting. I will check it out. I am wondering if any of you use the Jeff Galloway programs and if they really decrease your level of soreness after training or racing. I have used Runner’s World training programs/my own ideas in the past, and I am always sore after a 10 miler or 1/2 Marathon. I have yet to try a RunDisney Event though - would love to do one soon though. They keep selling out so quickly lately!

I use Galloway but am only up to doing 10Ks. No 1/2s for me until PHM in Feb.


I do run/walk with any race. I’ve got knee issues so I’ve got to take it slow. We did run/walk with ToT last year and had no problems. Just practice courtesy when walking and stay to the right. Tons of people do run/walk.


http://www.rundisney.com is the official Disney race site


I’m doing ToT. I’ve done other Disney races, but this is my first night race. I’m a bit nervous about that. I do all my training in the morning. I should probably try a few evening runs, but I am a morning person. I use Galloway and love it!


@sandlb - definitely do some evening training. I find that it is totally different, and that I run much better in the morning.


I would live to do The F&W half in 2015. It sold out before I could register this year. Chi Running has me intrigued, I may get that. After running 3 halfs and a full in a 2 month period, I ended up with a stress fracture. I’m a running junkie. :disappointed: I am incorporating more cross training and yoga now.


We were there during the marathon in January this year too and I was inspired. My daughter and I are slowly working through C25K and are signed up for the Princess 5K. Prior to this, I was not a runner at all. I am not very good, but I am surprised at how much I am enjoying it. In fact, I am doing better than my 14 year old daughter, much to her dislike. It is amazing the things Disney can inspire you to do!


I’m struggling too but not giving up! Go us!


Trying to motivate for my run! Need to get out there in a few…

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Me too. I’ll go if you go?

I’m out now…jogging up a hill.


Lacing up my shoes!


That is good to know! I will always be a run/walk for the same problem, @BreaSC. I have one knee with no cartilage and the other is just used up. LOL

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One more cup of coffee and I’m headed out for a 4 mi. run/walk. I’m up to week 4 on the Jeff Galloway beginner training plan for Wine & Dine Half.


Okay, I’m on my way! Just had to get that BOG FPP first, and now I’m on the go! :athletic_shoe:


Ok, you’re all motivating me to get moving now!

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