Give Us This Day Our Daily Thread: Tues 7/22

@LaurelStewart that’s not a bad idea at all. I think having the daily thread in the Subscriber’s section is a good idea. It would help keep it available to the people who actually have an interest in it vs. everyone on the internet. If there is a way to do an daily thread automatically, well heck ya that’s cool!


This is a silly question, but since I’m logged in as a subscriber am I in the subscriber section by default, or is there another place I can post?

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You can post anywhere (except maybe La Cava, which is based on post count). If you can’t post in subscribers now, you may have to log out and log in. It was a code push this morning.

I think if you look at your profile, you can see which groups you’re a member of.

Was wrong about seeing your groups in your profile.

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Ummm, I should ALWAYS be able to post in a thread named La Cava! How many posts do you need? I’m on vacation and can’t up my post count as much. I’M TELLING!!! @LenTesta !!!

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Hi! How do I know if I am in the subscriber section?

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You should be there.

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It’s listed on the front page of the forums.


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Ok, thanks! So, how do I find the lounge? And unrelated question: How are people tagging others in their posts? (Can you tell I have no idea what I’m doing?)

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It’s also on the front page:

To tag someone, just type the “@” and start typing the user name, @MinnieWinnie.

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Thanks for the help. I am under 1000 chats on Lines, so I’m guessing I have no access to the lounge.

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@teacupspinner we had 10 acres so I feel your pain. Our 1 acre lot is much easier. However we live in 110 + degree weather so a pool is a must for me and my kiddos. & I don’t do the maintaining, I just complain a little when I write the check.

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For now, yes, that’s true. All the settings are being looked at to make the experience good and fair to everyone. It may also open up to users after a certain number of days on the forum (good for lurkers).


Ok. Thanks! Yeah. I have a little over 2000 posts on lines :wink:


So this is where everyone’s been! I’m going to have to spend some serious time posting to get to Level 3. I want to access to the virtual bar!! :grin: :cocktail:

And I do like the idea of having the Daily Thread in the Subscribers section.


@LaurelStewart Can anyone view the subscriber and lounge areas? Is the limitation just on posting?

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Finally catching up on it all. Whew!!

11 days until I’m bunking with @MDU once again. :blush:


Wow I have a long way to go, only 166 chat on Lines and 133 here. I have my work set for me. Forget about my obligation I’ll be on the lines forum!!


@LaurelStewart - I can’t see or access anything for subscribers or the La Cava lounge you mention. Am I not eligible? I’m sorry to ask. I know you’re busy. I have 1772 chats on Lines, 79 posts here on the forum, and am a subscriber. I tried logging off and back in again. Maybe I’m misunderstanding?

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I am not sure the lounges are launched yet.

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Oh, Thanks @MagicMN. I was just trying the links @LaurelStewart posted above, and couldn’t get in. I must be confused. I’ll wait.

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