Yehaa Bob set times

What time are Yehaa Bob’s sets? We want to catch first set and still get to bed at reasonable hour with DD5. Also, is menu meal-worthy? Or just snacks and drinks?

Who knew Yehaa Bob had his own website? But it looks like 8:45-11:30 pm, Wednesday through Saturday. He also does sets outside of Disney.

As for the River Roost Lounge menu, it seems to be mostly bar food.

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You can buy food at the Quick Service restaurant right next door in POR, and bring it over to the lounge to enjoy Bob’s show.


Thanks @mritty. That is what we were thinking of doing, especially for DD5. We are planning for May 2015.

Thanks @len for the link to Yehaa Bob. We saw the menu, I guess I was asking quantity and quality of food.

The food at riverside mill qs is fine. We really like the make you own pasta and make your own salad options. Portions are big for those. Most of the rest is standard qs fare.

Thanks @agent_C. We liked POR for breakfast in March, so we were confident for dinner. Thanks for recommendations.

First time seeing Yeehaa on October 23rd. Can’t wait!

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It’s a good source! To see the places and times he is playing, one needs to mouse over the date on the calendar. I’d love to catch one of his shows at House of Blues just to see if it’s different than his POR show.

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Does he play different things the entire three hours? On MDE they list his show times as 8:30, 9:30 and 10:30. I was interpreting that to mean he has one show that he does three times with short breaks in between. One long 3-hour set would make more sense.

I think it is more like 3-45 minute sets with breaks in between. Most shows like this are hard on a performer.

Got it. So MDE is correct then. Thanks @beachallie73

From what I remember, it’s not three repeat shows, more like one continuing site with short breaks. It’s also the type of show where you can arrive and leave at any time without feeling out of the loop.

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Nice. Thanks for clarifying @Agent_C.

Yes, it’s all different songs through the night, no repeats. As the night progresses, the songs move from kid-focused to adult-focused (but never anything adult-rated, this is still Disney). For example, in the first set he might play “The Wheels on the Bus”, whereas in the last set, he might do “Piano Man”

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