Woody and Jessie meet and greet tips!

Has anyone rope dropped meeting woody and Jessie or done it first thing in the morning? What is the wait time like right at park open?

We typically rope drop SDD (are off the ride typically before official EE time or at the latest 10 minutes after) and I’m thinking we could line up right after for the Woody and Jessie meet and greet but I’m not sure if this is the best time. Does anyone have any experience in this that could help?

I don’t know if they start right at rope drop. I want to say they started at 10:00-10:30 with a 9:00 open in May. DD and I rode SDD with LL around 9:30 then rode TSMM and got in line about 20 minutes before the meet and greet was scheduled to start.


Ok thank you! Good to know!

Did you feel like 20 minutes before the meet and greet started was a good time to get in line? I know I’m very early in the planning and I’ll start to monitor that character start times a couple weeks before our trip but I just wanna have a general idea of how to plan our itinerary.

I think we got in line around 9:20 and didn’t get our photo until 10:10. The line moved sooooo slow…and several breaks. They were already out when we got in line so I assume they started at 9.

The rest of my fam met Darth Vader, Cheey and BB8 all before we met Woody and Jessie.

They were meeting at 9:38 on Thursday. I took this picture because their holiday costumes are adorable. There were probabably 10-15 families in line.

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I’ve been checking the app and they seem to be starting at 9 as of now but maybe that’s just for the holiday crowds? That’s really good to know about timing, I’ll make it a solid hour in the itinerary. We met Buzz when we went last month and the line was definitely shorter than Woody and Jessie’s but it still took us 40 minutes to get up to him.

Oooo how was it meeting Darth Vader, Chewy and BB8?! They’re also on our list but for later in the morning or after dinner.

Omg the holiday gear is so cute!!

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I know! Lovw the little details. Adorable!

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