Does anyone know, Since reopening which day seems to be the best as far as shortest wait times in H S and while I’m asking all the parks.
I am not sure it matters. They are filling the park to max limited capacity every single day.
I’m sorry but I don’t agree, in your trip report this past week you clearly experienced lower wait times and less crowds in MK on weekday vs weekend. They are filling up all the AP availability daily but not resort or reg. ticket holders. Here’s a snap of today’s reservation calendar. and in another thread it was discussed that all spots are not being filled. The green on the calendar says as much, right?
Interesting, I never saw those charts you have above. My son made the reservations for us, so I guess that is why.
I’m not sure there is much of a difference at HS. We’re here today and plan to come back Sunday. I’ll let you know if its basically the same or different. For other parks, especially MK I think it makes a difference.
Thanks Julianne
Here’s a graph from Thrill Data that I created showing average wait times for all attractions at HS over time from Friday 8/7 through Thursday 8/13. Each day is a different color. Which day looks best to you? To me it seems they all have their ups and downs.
To my eye, it looks like Saturday (red) and Sunday (green) were overall the busiest days, but the busier days tend to drop off further toward the end of the day.
Wednesday (gray) and Thursday (pink) seem like the lowest waits overall.
That is tremendously useful information. Will you be my personal statistician? I’m not sure what all I want you to put into charts and graphs, but I think YOU know…
Ha ha! I’m here to help.
Today felt like waits were fairly low! We did everything we wanted ( except Muppetvision)!and some of it more than once.
Good for you Julianne!!! Glad you had a good day.
Jeff , wow amazing statistics. I wouldn’t have the patience to do that. Good job!
MK doesn’t fill up everything generally. HS does. So HS is always close to or at max capacity.