I am hoping to upgrade to an AP on our 1st park day in HS. We will only be at the park for a few hours that day so I want to know where I should go and about how long I should allow for it ahead of time. Thanks!
You can do that at Guest Services which will be located near the entrance. How long it takes will likely depend a lot on how busy it is. If it’s easier you can also stop by Guest Services at any other park or Downtown Disney.
Thanks @Outer1. I think it will be easiest to do it at the first day since it won’t be a mad rush to do much other than TSMM. After that we will just wander the park until getting ready for MNSSHP. I just mentioned time in case it took an hour or more. I have no idea as I have never done this.
The actual transaction should be fast it’s really just finding a time when there isn’t a big line.
Also, be sure to know exactly how much the upgrade should cost you, especially if you are upgrading discounted tickets (e.g. tickets purchased from UT). Some CMs are better at doing the upgrades than others, so if the amount does not agree to what you expect you should ask to speak to a supervisor.
Thanks. I saved a post that gave me the amount I should be charged (I have 5 day PH from UT). Now I just need to find it.
Just don’t forget to enter the park at least once before so they will hopefully bridge the price for you.
I’ll save you the search - upgrading a 5-day PH to an AP should cost you $287.55.
Thanks @brklinck!
No problem - anything to help the “Glitch”.
We upgraded at HS. Guest services is to the left after the tapstyles. Sometimes there was a line but it wasn’t bad. One caveat- my mom upgraded first and they miscalculated and overcharged her. This was fixed later but it was a hassle so know exactly what type of tickets you have to start with. Also- they have a huge pin trading book in there and the baby center so DS6 traded like ten pins while I did our upgrade.