Where are the menus?

Am I just not seeing them? Menus for each restaurant used to be on the WDW site. Now, there is a link to TripAdvisor? Does anyone see where the menus have gone?

Strange. I just went to the WDW site, and I was able to access the menus with no problem. I tried it for Tiffins, Tusker House, Hollywood Brown Derby Lounge, and Skipper Canteen, and they all worked.

I noticed that last night @arvalentine

If you want to see them Touring plans has menus available on the website and in the Lines app. Allears.net is a resource that I use as well.

That is really strange! The Trip Advisor links have always been there, but I believe the menu link was below that.

@RobertSch6 so those links you sent work, but I cannot seem to navigate to the menu from the reservation page!

If you search for the restaurant, I’m still finding the menus in the results

Your links for Tiffins and Tusker House work, but if I try to navigate there from the WDW homepage, there’s no menu link. So strange.

That is really weird. I just tried it with Firefox and Google Chrome. I tried it with being logged in and logged out. I’ve tried it in a regular browser and in an incognito browser, and I was able to access the menus.

Are there any particular restaurants you’re looking for? If you post them here, I’ll be happy to see if I can access them and provide you with the direct URLs.

So I think that we agree that the menus exist, but there is no longer a link to them on the main page for the restaurant. Just wonder why!

It’s not just Tiffins and Tusker House. Several others I tried didn’t show a menu link. Maybe it’s something Disney is doing in their system? I hope they return soon!

Ya, I know. It’s very weird! So if you google the specific menu or click through from another page, the menus are there. The example I was using was 1900 Park Fare. But there is no “menu” link in the reservation system.

OK, so I’m not losing my mind. Was trying to looks at the dinner menu for BOG and it wasn’t there. Hope they’re just updating the system and they return eventually. I know you can find them menus on other sites, but the menus change sometimes so i like to get it right from the source.

You can also still find them on the app.

I had noticed yesterday that there were menus missing when looking at many of the snack locations.
It’s 9:30pm (CST) and I just looked at many locations including BOG, Tiffins, Tusker House and many others. The menus are there and it does look like there are some updated pictures but haven’t looked closely at the menus to see if they have changed.
They might have been doing some updates or changes.