What is staying / never coming back?

I think we can all agree that the age of handshaking is over. It was always gross and awkward. I’m glad it’s gone and I hope it never comes back.

What else?

Coronaguarding the lines at WDW (well, at DLP, but WDW is the same) looks like it was a huge job. Putting up all those perspex screens. The end result wasn’t as claustrophobic as I thought it might be and — so far, early days — the screens are still clear and bright. Is there really going to come a time when Disney rips them all down and tears them all out?

What has gone forever? What’s here to stay?


Gone: If handshakes are out (good riddance) then hugging strangers would be a good one too. Some ppl are just gregarious but can make others feel awkward.

Stay: I think ppl might continue to wear masks in public when they are sick. And those germaphobs might feel less awkward and get to continue wearing them to feel more secure.

Gone: sadly some businesses might never return… Will movies be the same. Streaming services were already changing that.


Stay: frequent hand-washing / use of hand-sanitiser


ppl should be washing their hands anyway… even w/o hand shaking :wink:


I would like the socially distanced queues to stay. Those are awesome!

I’m not a fan of the cheek kisses to greet people either. Those can go.


I travel a lot and always wondered about those in masks. I think going forward I will be happy to wear masks in airports and on aircraft, and in other high-volume travel contexts.


I had a sales rep at work that would always hug. I made sure to make it awkward. He tried to hug the boss one day (first meeting). My boss stepped back, looked at him and said, aint gonna happen!



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I just want every last reminder of this pandemic to disappear. I want to be stuffed in a huge crowd, shoulder to shoulder, whiff of BO (ok maybe not that), herded like cattle - the whole package. I’m serious. Not cause I enjoy it per se, but because what it will mean that it’s allowed.

The only things I’d like to see are attendance caps at the parks so that the lines are shorter, but that’s not going to happen because demand will eventually return and be too high to sustain that.


Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes!
All of it. And I can handle the BO if it means I can have the rest.
I just hugged a ton of people at the first soccer game of the year. No masks on any of us, and lawn chairs side by side. A few dozen moms. There was food sharing and raucous laughter and I loved every minute of it.
Oh - and we won the game. :wink:
VIVA 2019


Yes! Live your life and be happy! It takes guts to post this knowing 80% here will disapprove and cringe. I think it’s possible to both carry on normally in certain situations with calculated risk, especially around people you know and trust, and yet be mindful of others’ concerns and the global issue in general. There are more nuanced positions than “Captain 100% Compliance and always do what government says” and “Uneducated idiot that doesn’t understand science and doesn’t care about others”. Many times I feel like if I’m not quite on board with the first group then I’m banished to the second group. There can be other gradient options between these extremes. Too many issues are portrayed as binary but are more complicated than that.


In CA, that would be called sexual harassment.

I wouldn’t want to be hugged by a coworker anyway. Unprofessional.


Stay gone - 180 day ADR and 60 day FPP

Gone - buffets. I find them germy. The food quality is mediocre for the price. Massive crowds. I don’t like the empty parks either. Something in between.

Stay - character cavalcades

Longing for fireworks, parades and meet& greets.


Yeah, but it wasn’t meant that way, I know. He was an old school sales rep, retired now And a lot of people down here hug and kiss hello and good bye. Im glad this is something that will hopefully be reserved for close family now!


I thought every office had a hugger. :rofl: I had a client once that liked to hold hands. She took me on a tour of her office building and held my hand the ENTIRE time. Definitely one of the most awkward experiences I have ever had.



I hear this all the time, but I don’t have a problem with handshakes at all. If someone is sick, they should decline to hand shake. But you’re only touching hands… it is easy enough to wash your hands afterwards or bring a wipe. But for me, a quick handshake is hardly enough exposure over time to really be a concern for people feeling healthy.

Now the awkward hug… yes… please… banish it… I don’t even want to hug my relatives. Just let me hug my husband and maybe a close friend.


I have to say I also disagree with this original post - handshakes are not gross and awkward. You don’t have to shake hands with everyone, but it’s far from over. Maybe it’s over for people who enjoy living in a bubble, but not for those who don’t enjoy it, certainly not me.


Gone (at least for me) - Morning and Evening Rush Hour Traffic - Please stay gone. I like being able to drive the speed limit (and maybe plus 5-10 MPH) coming and going from work each day.

Those who’ve been to Orlando, how is traffic there and on I-4?

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After the start of the pandemic… in news… but before lock downs I refused to shake hands with a customer siting C-19. They were not-amused… you could see the whole process reflected in their face: annoyed followed by resignation.

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