What do you buy for your boys to help them 'prep for the parks'?

there was a mark on my screen and I thought it said 8 boys and I was like “How did I not know this?”

I’m also not heartbroken about short lived souvenirs.



I’m only heartbroken about short-lived souvenirs when I have to pick them up, bag them, and toss them out. And there’s like, 25,312 of them. At least. :rofl:


Keep in mind we don’t yet know if backpacks will be allowed, I think? There were concerns about having security putting hands all over people’s things.

I can’t remember if there was anything in the Universal plan about this?

This was in the IAAPA suggested guidelines:
“Reduce the number of personal items visitors can bring into the park. Require all items fit into a clear plastic bag for touchless inspections.“

Ha! No. 3 is more than enough :slight_smile:

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So true! Good point— maybe a hat then!

I have 3 boys and 2 girls…the youngest princess has yet to make her first Disney trip so most trips have been 3 boys and 1 girl. I usually get them a new pair of swim trunks. Either Cars, Mickey or Star Wars theme. Now they are into Avengers and even though that’s not in the parks they still enjoy the stuff. One year we got them cheap light sabers that glow from Target. They do love the light up stuff. Sometimes you can find Disney themed candy and we would have that as a surprise each morning.

To get them excited for the trip we watch ride videos.

Also you can do SOTMK or the Pirate Adventure scavenger hunt. My boys LOVED that!

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Good to see you! How’s the baby?

To be fair, that’s a ridiculously awesome backpack…

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She’s a doll (thanks so much for asking) and growing way too fast like babies always do. Gearing up for her brothers’ first baseball tournament this weekend! Hope you and the big family are doing well! Resized_20200521_185024|281x500


Oh snap!!! She’s adorable. :heart:. Love it. How sweet!!
Ha - where i live we aren’t allowed to have fun. :wink:

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