That all seems like a lot of work for a breakfast.
Um, I just to told you. You’re welcome!
also my favorite
Ha! I think of breakfast in general as a Waste of Time as it’s time I could be in the parks! I eat all my breakfasts in the room, with a few notable exceptions, like the Flynn Ryder Breakfast.
For true American feel and maximize time, eat breakfast in the car.
This made me laugh out loud. It’s so true!
Yes! If I wanted to eat i would stay home! Dining is not an important part of a trip for me. When is just me and the kids, we go on as many rides as possible and eat junk that we can eat quickly on the go or just take a short break to sit down for a snack in the AC. My wife’s family is very meal oriented, and hangriness is very real, so sit down meals at required with her. Typical lunch discussion is where they will be eating dinner.
For me, personally, breakfast is absolutely better in the parks.
We don’t have one at WDW yet, but our “Must Do” at DLR is Flo’s. Every single morning of our trip. The food is far from stellar if I’m brutally honest, but it’s our first stop every time. I get the breakfast tamale and we sit in the booth overlooking RR and we bop to the music as we choke back watered down eggs and I wouldn’t change a single thing.
To me it’s my grounding moment that, here we are, in one of my favorite places in the world and I shouldn’t lose my temper and scream over hots dogs later in the day BECAUSE I’m at one of my favorite places in the world.
As my French cousins would say, chacun à son goût.
WDW restaurants are not, in general, like ordinary restaurants. They are part of the show, part of the experience.
WDW is not just about rides to me.
As for breakfast specifically, the saying goes: “Breakfast like a king; lunch like a prince; dinner like a pauper.”
It can make sense financially, too. Breakfast is a great meal and is often cheaper than dinner.
Definitely true. I still have one kid who will be interested in character meals whenever we finally make it back. Crystal Palace breakfast is one of my favorites, but only because of the characters for my kids.
Hopefully they’ll enjoy something like Hoop de doo because that seems worth the time. Anything where I get entertainment with the meal is a good choice. I’m planning on Biergarten next trip also.
As to your fast food breakfast choice, Wendy’s is the superior option if there’s one nearby. Much better than McDonald’s.
Maccy D’s is out. Sanaa is in.
Not the only replacement of trash with class happening this week.
That’s right. I went there.
If you insist on making that analogy, you should replace mcdonalds with Jack in the box. Some people prefer one over the other, but any impartial person can tell you it’s all the same garbage in a different wrapper.
I love traditional lumpia, and I love pineapple and cream cheese. I was SO excited to try these. I wouldn’t really call them BAD, but I didn’t think they were worth finishing. Then again I also think McDonalds, particularly their breakfast, is disgusting.
It used to be delicious. Then they took all the salt and fat out of it because of the health nazis and now it is pretty, er, disappointing.
If you ever come across a Hardee’s or Bojangles in any of your US travels, they have the best fast food breakfasts. Probably better biscuits than any sit down restaurant too.
Are you using disney transport to get there? Currently, the resorts are giving people crap about getting into the hotel w/o a dining reservation. Since it’s quick serve for breakfast, there is no reservation and I read somewhere recently that a mobile order from a quick serve was not adequate. Considering that this is the only location that currently serves breakfast for 2 hotels, they may be even more strict about it. This policy may change by the time you arrive. ETA: if you arrive on a disney bus (having transferred from AK) you’ll be fine
We usually eat just one meal out a day (and snacks) at WDW but the next trip the sky is the limit!!! I’m so tired of my own cooking and we have all our money already saved from our cancelled trip so bring on the food (even McDonalds would be a welcome change at this point)
It is correct that American cheese isn’t available in all countries. I never see it here in Israel. There’s no lack of delicious dairy products so it isn’t missed. Popular type here is a mild-flavored, versatile hard, light-yellow cheese. The recipe hasn’t changed since 1942.
Well, American Cheese was a big thing in WW2 American military rations. It was made by processing other cheeses together, melting, and adding some stuff to make it shelf stable. They could use the cheese remnants from squaring off other cheeses, making production efficient. And shelf-stable had obvious advantages.
But, now, anyone wealthy enough to consume cheese regularly also has a fridge.