45 days until I get to ride the monorail through Epcot (love that view!). Good morning Liners! How many days for you and what is your non attraction favourite experience?
I am up and dressed. Have some last minute packing to do and we will be on our way. @justtimmy thanks for picking up the morning count. I hope @steve1 lets us know about his big reveal. Have a great day all.
BTW, going to the now defunct adventurers club was a family favorite on our last trip as a family. Need a replacement.
Morning @JustTimmy. 174 days here.
Non attraction faves - I love getting my little guy those big light up Mickey helium balloons - he totally loves them.
This is going to sound weird, but probably my favourite non attraction thing is going to the big Walmart on Vineland road - I’m a Brit from a very small island (30 miles by 15 miles) so it is like another major attraction to me! I could spend hours in there!
- Time to put packing in full gear!
I’m looking forward to hearing about @Steve1’s big reveal also. What about it @Steve1, have you told her yet?
I always wanted to check out the Adventurers club but never made it there.
Safe travels today a@gabmom
3 days until we leave for the airport for an overnight stay, and 4 days until we fly to the World
If i could only remember what i’ve forgotten to pack
I hope @Luv doesn’t see this
Hello @Ellen1976, where will you be staying this trip and how long are you staying?
97 days!! Double digits!!! My favorite non attraction experience was Push and I didn’t even get to see it. We had no idea that it even existed when we visited the MK. My DH and boys were touring while I was with my DD at BBB. They were unbelievably excited while telling us about it. You would have thought that they won the lottery. They could not stop talking about it. Who knew that a talking trash can could provide so much excitement for a 13 year old boy!? I smile every time I think about it.
6! The “this time next week” game is in full play. (This time next week, I’ll be heading to the MK welcome show - one of my favorite non-attraction experiences!!) Have a great day, everyone!
I love your multiple countdowns!!!
Nothing for us. Still hoping since it was planned for April 2016. Want to say morning to all.
Good morning Linahville. 30 days till BWV! Can. Not. Wait. #DisneyWithdrawls have set in and I need to go back.
10 days altogether - 8 at Old Key West and a couple of nights at Portofino bay at the other place down the road. Can’t wait!
I love seeing all you guys with your short countdowns!
Good morning! 82 for me. My favorite non-attraction experience was buying my Minnie ears.
And safe travels today @Gabmom. My favorite non-attraction is a cute little bar nestled in a corner of an Epcot pyramid Pavillion.