Going to WDW for the first time in October and have no idea how to pack. I have only been in July and December before. In December I wore shorts every day but had a lightweight sweat jacket along for early mornings and cool evenings. Will it be similar to this? Our trip is 10/30-11/4. Thanks!
Sounds like a good plan. I might pack a pair of pants too, just in case it’s collet than you would like in the evenings. Then again, I overpack.
I overpack too! Last trip we drove and had a rooftop container so I took so much. This time I am trying to keep it to a carry on and small tote bag since it is only a 4 1/2 day trip. I will be sure to pack a pair of pants too, thanks!
Make sure you check the weather before you leave too… Last year near the end of oct there was a cold front that went through, I froze on our mnsshp night!!! ( and by froze it was prob in the 60s but my lf blood is thin)
I would definitely keep an eye on weather- and having one super cold and one super hot day outfit wouldn’t hurt.