WAT v. StS

I’m hoping he’ll experience similar relief. When he finally went to a doctor about it he confirmed that all of his cartilage is basically gone and so when he walks he is scraping bone on bone. :pensive::persevere:

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Thank you for this! Super helpful and that spread looks :ok_hand:t3:

Resurrecting this thread to report that dad is recovering phenomenally from hip surgery!!! He is able to go on multi-mile walks again and I’m so happy! He’s been having to retrain his body to stop limping as he walked that way for so many years to compensate for his hip pain….

Now really wanting to do something special like StS next month when we go HOWEVER I just confirmed that there is, in fact, a minimal age of 8 required for guests to participate. My youngest, DD7, will be 8 in May….about two months after our trip. I’m wondering how strict they are with this….i realize I can lie but they will have her age linked with her MDE profile correctly won’t they?


I would imagine they are 100% strict about it, as it is probably related to insurances

Quite possibly

Well :poop:. Next trip I suppose.

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