Just wondering if anyone can comment on your experience with rides and your toddler. I am more specifically interested in their reactions of Pirates of the Caribbean and Haunted Mansion.
Well my ds5 still won’t go on HM… “Mommy, that place Is just scary”! Haha! when he was about 2.5 we took him on pirates… Hasn’t ridden it since! Its not the dark factor, it’s “scary people” he says… Also doesn’t like pooh because of the rain scene! It’s really up to you and you know your kid! Good luck!!!
We didn’t do those rides with our then-22 month old in May (sorry). BUT, I can report that he adored Living with the Land and Dumbo. He really seemed bothered by some of the scenes in Winnie the Pooh, so we just stopped with the dark rides after that. Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground was probably his favorite attraction! I think he would have enjoyed Kilimanjaro Safari, too, but he was napping and missed it.
We are taking the kids in Feb. My oldest will be 4 and youngest will have just turned 2. We have been showing them videos of different attractions to get an idea what they might be interested in. My almost-2 year old is a daredevil so I’m more concerned with my 4 year old who already thinks the Haunted Mansion looks too scary - but it will be a game time decision based on their moods! Maybe showing your child videos would help too?
I second showing youtube videos. I took 3 year old and 18 month old. 18 months was fine on everything but 3yo was scared of haunted mansion and dinosaur so we knew that going in.
I’ve been with kids 2/4 and 3/5.
Green light to: Jungle Cruise, Small World, LWTL, Seas with Nemo, Under the Sea
Younger child scared of: Buzz lightyear, Pooh
Both kids scared of: Pirates, Haunted Mansion, (I wouldn’t take them on Great Movie Ride or Dinosaur)
We took dd on pirates when she was 3. She still remembers being scared 2 years later (oops)! Rides both kids liked as toddlers: dumbo, pooh, iasw, carousel, teacups, magic carpets, jc, turtle talk, the land, Safari, lion king show, loved animals and digging in boneyard and anything with characters.
I took my oldest son when he was just shy of two on both Pirates and Haunted Mansion. I took my youngest son this past year on Pirates when he was about 13 months and the oldest was almost five. They were both fine on Pirates. I just made sure I was enthusiastic and cheery.
The Haunted Mansion, however, was a different story. After the initial HM trip, he repeated “It was dark in there” for about two hours. He hasn’t been on since. He doesn’t remember the first time he was on it, but now that he is old enough to say no to a ride - he thinks the name is too scary. It is one of my favorite rides so we did watch some videos but it is still a no go.
As a family though, we went on most anything that didn’t have height requirements. Besides the HM, I never ran into any trouble on most rides including dark rides - even Spaceship Earth (which is pretty pitch black at times) and The Great Movie Ride were fine. However, my oldest isn’t a big fan of the 3D movies - go figure. Also neither really like Toy Story - too jerky.