I’m sure it’s been written before, so forgive my newbie status. . . we have early morning breakfast reservations at EPCOT, my concern is bus transportation. Has anyone used Uber to navigate to EPCOT from AofA? Also, a car seat would be needed. I’ll look forward to getting some good information from all you pros! It’s been twenty years since my last Disney experience --much has changed!!!
The buses usually start running in time for breakfast reservations at each park- that would alleviate the car seat issue. Unfortunately with regards to Uber, it came to be after I needed to worry about car seats so I’m not sure about that.
I seem to recall you can request a car seat. Laura has given you a FREE Uber ride (up to $15). To claim your free gift, sign up using this link: https://www.uber.com/invite/lauraa14326ui
check out lyft.com and go to promotions. They should have a promotion. Last time I checked it was $55 credit for 11 rides wit $5 off each ride. We used it last December and it was a big savings…
I’ve used uber with a carseat, they charge more for it though ( I think it was around $10-$15).
You can get a car seat with lyft or uber - but it will cost about 25% more and take longer to arrive. Another option is to bring your own booster seat for kids 4-6. Though you’d have to find a place to put it once you get to the park…
Check out “mifold Grab-and-go car Booster Seat” on Amazon. I wasn’t sure of the safety, but after researching I decided to purchase for use with my grandchildren. It’s perfectly safe, makes sense in how it is applied and best of all it folds up to practically nothing allowing it to be taken anywhere. (Of course, not for infants!)
Getting a Minnie Van through the Lyft app would also be an option. All of them have two available car seats.