Two GotG VQs at the same time (7 am & 6 pm EEH)?

Can you hold a 7 am VQ for GotG and get another one at 6 pm for EEH even if you haven’t used the first one yet? A couple of folks over on chat said yes but DW and DD are there today and going to try it. If it doesn’t work I’ll never hear the end of it. Thanks!!

For what it’s worth they have BG1

Yes. The 7 am/1 pm VQ are for the regular park hours. The 6 pm ones for EEH are a totally separate group, they do not affect each other.

You can get the 7 am and 6 pm ones from anywhere (as long as you qualify).

You must have already scanned into the park before 1 pm to do that one, but you don’t have to still be there.


Thank you @mkmuzzy!!

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