Working on my plans. We’ve never done Turtle Talk with Crush or the Seas with Nemo and Friends, or The Seas Main Tank. Is there a logical order to these three things? Are they separate, or does one things flow logically into the next? Thanks!
Start with the Nemo ride. The line starts outside the seas building and exits inside. The Seas exhibits are like any aquarium - wander and look at your own pace. Turtle Talk is also inside the Seas building, but shows are 12 minutes long and start every 20 minutes. I think they start at the hour, 20 after and 40 after. So depending on your timing you might want to go directly to the waiting area for Turtle Talk or wander the exhibits first. A lot of that timing depends on crowd levels and if you use a FP. We wasted a FP and entered Turtle Talk with it at the worst possible time, right after the show had just started. We wasted a full 15 minutes waiting on a low-crowd day when we could have been exploring the aquarium. FP only gets you into the waiting area, no priority seating.
@SallyEppcot’s plan makes sense. Enter with the ride. When you’re done, poke your head in the entrance to Turtle Talk. There’s a countdown timer until the next show, so if it’s close to show time, then just wait there. If not and it doesn’t look like too many people are waiting, then explore the aquarium until close to when the next Turtle Talk show starts.
Thanks! Its nice to have an idea of what to expect.