Turkey Day trip is on

I’ll post when I get a chance but we did the Mickey’s show, Frozen and Parade all back to back. I have some really good insider advice for setting up. Kind of got lucky with a CM. What a great party. We hit JC, PotC and Aladdin in maybe a 50 minute span before setting cup for the shows and parade around 6:45. We didn’t really get started until closer to 6:00.


Y’all are so adorable!



OK, so here is a quick tip on the parade route. Really should work for any parade I imagine there at MK. So, the parade exits Liberty Square onto the circle in front of the castle. Everyone lines the sidewalks but for those on the left side or stage right side won’t have a good vantage point since the parade goes clockwise in front of the castle and onto Main St. About 15 minutes before the Mickey’s show (or parade I imagine) a CM will come out and mask off a line from the curb onto the street to keep people back from the parade. This tape line is probably at the 10 o’clock mark if 12 o’clock is the castle and 6 o’clock is Main St. The trick is to just stand in the road next to the curb (which probably already is masked) and then the CM will come and tape off right in front of you and voila!, you have a front row seat. Worked great and the characters interacted a lot. Hand slaps by the skiers, waves and kisses from the princesses and characters. I like the turn at Liberty Square as well which works well on the Market side turn there from Frontierland but I think having the castle as a backdrop made it cool. And arguably, you don’t need to get there quite as early to save a spot since no one really knows that this is going to happen on the mask-off. I think we did this 20 minutes before the Mickey’s Show for MVMCP and we just stayed there for Frozen and the parade straight through.