I insisted on this being part of my kids’ first trip to WDW and also insisted that no matter how inconvenient we arrive by Monorail so the kids could experience the awesomeness of the monorail stopping right inside the hotel. I am pleased to say that I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of it for a first trip/first impression of the Contemporary, and as an added bonus, we gawked over the gorgeous views on the Monorail ride from the Poly to Contemporary.
Now, for the food and even character experience, it was a one-and-done for me, myself as an adult. Having said that, we will most likely be back driven by the fact that since our last trip we’ve had a 3rd child who would be deprived of the same experience if we do not do it on his first trip to WDW whenever we can figure out when that will be.
I do think the Wave as an alternative is a good suggestion & if I were going solo (and not being a huge on meeting Mickey/Minnie on my own without the kiddos), I would book there over Chef Mickey’s.
As for
That was a surprising favorite of mine on our trip so I do want to to go back again, but ahead of it on my list to do next trip is to try dinner with Cinderella et al. But we are big on princesses around our house and Cinderella is DD5’s favorite so that’s mostly why.
Well that’s stupid.
I checked it out on Google Maps. It might be worth a walk just for the view. But Disney could so easily have extended it to reach GF. All they’re basically missing is a bridge.
I think dinner at 1900PF is worth a try. I thought the characters were fun (not that I’m really into them, it’s for the kids) and all-you-care-to-eat Prime Rib can make it feel like you had enough food to justify the price. I wasn’t a huge fan of the desserts, but based on your past reports, I assume you’ll have a dessert party booked at MK afterward anyway.
Oh, great. Now I’ve got the song stuck in my head, thank you very much!
I’ve walked that path … and yes, it would be nice to have a bridge so one could walk all the way to MK. I recall asking someone at the time (about 10 years ago) and the answer was something along the lines that tall equipment gets moved through that canal separating the two walking paths so a bridge would need to be opened at times (which makes it a more complicated bridge).
There’s it’s other half just past the boat launch alongside the monorail platform. I’ve long thought it would be the perfect spot for a proposal, but most times it is roped off and you can’t walk down there at all. Next time you’re on the monorail from GF-MK Watch and you’ll see where both paths end - and that there would need to be a bridge built for it to be complete.
As for Chef Mickey’s, I would not consider it for an adult trip. When I was at Chef Mickey’s last month with my kids, I couldn’t wait to leave (and I love just about everything at WDW). I thought the food was terrible. That said, the kids loved it and I would consider going back for them.
I haven’t seen it for years.
This is a bit crazy talk, but have you considered doing a split stay and just getting the DDP on the front part of your stay? You would get to use your credits on your arrival day and on your departure day from your first hotel. Just an idea on how to better spread our your credits.
All the barges for the EWP go down that canal for storage. So it would need to be either a very high bridge, or a drawbridge.
Which means, given Disney’s tendency to be overly paranoid about guests’ stupidity, the bridge would need to be constantly manned.
I am assuming you have AP? I know you’re a regular. (Just trying to figure out how you can use FPP every day but then go to Universal)
Yeah I really doubt anyone in the U.K. has heard of that. Sorry It sounds great though.
I don’t think he will have an AP. It would rarely make sense for us Brits.
He’ll have a 7 day ticket, so can book FPs for each day. Or maybe he’s going for 14 days, I may not be quite up to speed on this trip!
Perhaps a man who is from England but who lived in NH for some time has though
Hmm good point.
I mean it makes way more sense now that I have the other information that it would not be, but you see how I could have thought so
If they had constructed a bridge that crosses over the canal where they keep the Electrical Water Pageant floats, you would be correct.
As there is no bridge, you cannot make that connection.
I think this is a smart idea. You already know you like it there, so the likelihood of enjoying other things on the menu is high. Unless you plan on eating the same thing each time, in which case that would be boring, but perfectly acceptable. Do what makes you happy.
@profmatt Lobster Bisque?