Trip cancelled


I don’t blame you. Florida is filled with all sorts of giant things that can eat you and creepy crawlers!!!

Yes there probably are but I’ll bet that Python was not looking for any human to eat but rather the other way around. Here in North Dakota we have wolves, Coyotes, Mountain Lions, Bears. and if you piss them off they will try to eat you. So what does that tell you. Leave them alone and they will do the same. Try sealing their young and I hope they do eat you just like I would shot your ass if you tried to harm my wife of children. :wink:

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Dog theft is increasingly popular round these parts. Because of endless lockdown the market for dogs (for company) has gone crazy and the price of puppies has increased as much as ten-fold.

I like to think that if someone tried to steal my dog I would use lethal force to prevent it.


Why :clap:t3: Do :clap:t3: I :clap:t3: Open :clap:t3: These :clap:t3: Threads? :clap:t3:

I will have nightmares about that snake now…


I’m the weirdo that thinks snakes are cute. I also like spiders. And praying mantids.


I’m happy to confirm that you are, in fact, weird.

But then I think rats are cute.


They are!!! :heart: I love all the weird creatures. Bats are adorable too!


Praying mantises are awesome.


Well now. Cuddle up to that Python and she will give you a big hug. :rofl:

Wouldn’t be the first time. I used to have a 10 ft red tailed boa constrictor before I had kids.
I totally understand why they’re hunted in Florida - they’re an invasive species and a threat to wildlife. You can think something is cute while knowing it’s also deadly.

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Your sensational and misleading thread titles have backfired this time. No one likes to read about trips being cancelled on a forum about magic and fantasy. Took me over a day to finally open it.

(But now that I clicked on it, I laughed. So maybe better to leave this gem to those who find it.)


I would be willing to bet that more people have died from deer in Michigan than Pythons, alligators, or other such creatures in Florida.

Deer are dangerous killers, I tell you, to the point of martyrdom!


They certainly can be if you try to catch one or the bucks are in the rut. I used to hunt them but too old for the bush now though my son wishes I weren’t. Live and let live is now my motto. Still like venision though but I am to lazy to go hunt it. Look at the 7mm and think of younger days. :wink:

Well, I mean, there’s that, too. But I just mean…well…they love to just run in front of your car as you’re barreling down the road at 70 MPH! :wink:


That’s what I was thinking when I read your post!