Tricks to get ADR

Today is morning 4 of getting up early to book ADRs. I have not gotten everything I wanted so far, but not too bad. Some of the times are about an hour later than I had wanted.

Of all the days so far, this morning was the worst for booking. I had several crashes. Eventually I got them to stick.

This has been the one major disadvantage of resort hopping and not having everything on property.


One thing that definitely worked in the past (circa late 2019) and is still rumored to be a key, is to search for a range of times that span the singular time you are looking for. I have heard this multiple times lately.

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So, say you want a 5pm at CRT, which times do you search? (Not sure we are doing that, but just an example)

Easiest this is to pick the entire service period with this default:

Or you can pick a time earlier that what you want and let it search the default period.

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I guess it will help that except for Toppolino’s we are flexible on the times and even sometimes the day. For Toppolino’s I was hoping for late breakfast on the day we arrive by car.

If you get an error message and the reservation doesn’t complete, try changing your default credit card, making one reservation and then reinstating your default card. An online CM suggested it. I was skeptical but it worked.

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I’ll do that if that happens. But, tilting my head to one side makes more sense.



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Nope. Tried multiple different cards today with same result.

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Since COVID, I haven’t been able to book any ADR’s through the app (on my 60 day window). I always get an error. Mind you, a week later everything works fine.


Yeah, I definitely think their system not being able to manage the overload of a large group of people searching for the same general timeframe at once is part of the problem. Or, perhaps it’s not a bug, but a feature?

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I have had better luck with TILTING my head slightly to the left.


Oh man.

This could be an important distinction indeed.

What about turned AND tilted?? Do we know if the success rate increases when doing both?


I think it deserves a scientific study. These are important things to come to a consensus on!


My other half of my reservation window opens tomorrow. I’ll try the turned AND tilted method and report back.

Where do I send my chiropractic bill for participation in this research?


Dr. Chapek. Dr. Bob Chapek.


LOL done.


Thanks for the laughs on this Monday.


This morning was a strange one with the ADR system. For some reason, the Calendar would not allow January 8, 9 or 10th to be select-able from the main filtering screen.

I had to “tilt my head slightly to the left” and go through the ADR system a different way for about 30 minutes.

I had to find a restaurant through the search icon

Click on Check availability

And then pick the date that way.


How frustrating!


Yeah I had that happening to.

All manner of errors and none of them excusable, quite frankly. Definitely not user error (though I only turned and did not simultaneously tilt, so I suppose that is a possible source)